Hi Sasha -yes there is so much info on her website that it can be confusing. She is not taking on new patients at all at the moment - not for consultations anyway, so the point of the website is for people to be able to read all the info (including the free book) and be able to access the tests at low cost without her having to see everyone (which she obviously cant) You dont need to try the protocol first, but as she is not seeing new patients the idea is you order the mito test through her and you also pay her for a report which is very detailed about the results with an individual supplement plan and plan for the best way forward which you then have to get on with (although the office will put questions to her by e mail which she will endevour to answer (no cost) This was the situation when i first came across her, so i did the test and got the report and started the protocol as advised for me - this along with help and support from some of her other patients helped me to gain some ground, but then i felt stuck or like i was sliding back and i needed more help, it was a t this time that she couldnt practice as a doctor nd she opened up her list again - i only got on just after she closed it because i had already bee3n in regular contact and had done the tests (plus i pleaded) I dont know if this is any clearer
I also know people who have had good results just following her general advice for CFS patients who couldnt afford the mito test -although i think it is worth it as itgives you a much better idea of where your particvular problem lies. I have seen a few different peoples results and they are all a bit different in what areas are specifcally going wrong, although its all some sort of mito dysfunction.
Personally i found her website and book a biot confusing and lso very scientific ( a bit hard for me a t the time) but after hanging out here for the past year and reading so much stuff i can get my head round it now. Its well worth a read (although i dont think ive ever made it all the way through)
Good luck!