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Seed oils/Poly undaturated fats lowering body temperature!?


Senior Member

Polyunsaturated fats lowers body temperature. Consuming larger amounts of PUFAs than evolutionarily consistent levels seems to be terrible! Isnt this fascinating?

ME patients has low body temperature, right?

There is lots of fascinating science about how terrible pufas are for humans. One of the most criticly acclaimed scandinavian nutrition professors Arne Astrup is now claiming that saturated fat is NOT dangerous. He is among the world's most quoted and published nutritional professors and he is far from alone in claiming this. In 1970 the official nutrition guidelines began telling people to consume PUFAs.

Modern day man consume a LOT more pufas than we did originally. This article is fascinating

This article suggests that the reason the Tsimane people of Bolivia experienced a significant, well-documented drop in their body temperature and metabolic rate over the past 15 years is that their fat became less saturated due to newly available “store bought foods”, most of which are loaded with polyunsaturated fat (PUFA). This drop in body temperatures mirrors what has happened globally as vegetable oil consumption has increased worldwide.

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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
In 1970 the official nutrition guidelines began telling people to consume PUFA

And for our family, this was absurd and we never bought into that entire thing.

My husband from Wisconsin ate butter. Margarine was illegal in that state.

I grew up Blue Bonnet. I knew: I was deprived of butter.

We were also told don't eat eggs around that same time.


Senior Member
And for our family, this was absurd and we never bought into that entire thing.

My husband from Wisconsin ate butter. Margarine was illegal in that state.

I grew up Blue Bonnet. I knew: I was deprived of butter.

We were also told don't eat eggs around that same time.
Thats awesome! Ive been brought up on this terrible western diet full og PUFAs. I honestly think I would have been more resilient if my parents had given me healthy saturated fats.

I have eaten tons lf margarinen when I grew up. Omg!! I tell everyone I know to stay away from seed oils now, its not like its well know either.

ive gone down the nutrition rabbit Hole the last two years and it is fascinating to say the least!

Yes its true about eggs also. Those guidelines have most likely ruined a stupid amount of lives

Edit: The cholesterol topic is also very interesting. Todays understandig seems to be flawed. Its most likely not correct! And its just a super fascinating rabbit Hole to enter.
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I honestly think I would have been more resilient if my parents had given me healthy saturated fats.

well you can likely improve you overall well being, now that you know.

My older brothers adult daughter is now an RN who took nutrition classes, so she is refusing to eat the fake cheese, fake eggs, margarines and they have big fights over food as I understand it.

Decades ago- I stopped eating what my parents ate when I was around 16, had my own cabinet, went vegan at some stage. (Ultimately, I was in very poor health, vegan did not work for me, but I tried for 4 years).

I always hated the way my parents ate. (my brother's daughters were like me, picky eaters, hyper tasters)

Later, they got a garden, produced fresh vegetables and my Mom became a good cook. But not so, growing up.

I've shopped out of coops and health food stores since I was 16. Youd think that would have gotten me further than- here.


Senior Member
I've shopped out of coops and health food stores since I was 16. Youd think that would have gotten me further than- here.

You never know.

My youngest son has never had a cavity. My children don't know what it is to consume sugar daily, or to eat trans fats, MSG, Glucose-fructose. They also have no fear of cholesterol or bacon. :D

I found a five gallon drum of lard for ¥3,000. I'm gonna make proper tamales, introduce 'em to all aspects of their Father. :D


Senior Member
well you can likely improve you overall well being, now that you know.

My older brothers adult daughter is now an RN who took nutrition classes, so she is refusing to eat the fake cheese, fake eggs, margarines and they have big fights over food as I understand it.

Decades ago- I stopped eating what my parents ate when I was around 16, had my own cabinet, went vegan at some stage. (Ultimately, I was in very poor health, vegan did not work for me, but I tried for 4 years).

I always hated the way my parents ate. (my brother's daughters were like me, picky eaters, hyper tasters)

Later, they got a garden, produced fresh vegetables and my Mom became a good cook. But not so, growing up.

I've shopped out of coops and health food stores since I was 16. Youd think that would have gotten me further than- here.
I cut out seed oils in 2019 and now I only consume healthy animal fats, tallow etc. I eat a no processed animal based diet which I believe helps me both physically and mentally. I dont dare to think about how I would have felt had I continued eating like I did.

I agree healthy foods will only get us so far. But every percentage of quality of life improvement I can get I take any day:)

My parents brought us up on garbage foods but to their defense it wasnt that much talk about it then. But then again.. It should be common sense to eat clean. The work of Weston A. Price is super fascinating and tells everything about how terrible human health gets when we begin to move away from the way our ancestors ate.


I feel worse if I have more than a very small amount of canola, soy, sunflower, or safflower oil.
Olive oil is fine, as we have always been meant to get at the oil in olives, but not to be able to break down hard seeds to get the oil out of them.


Senior Member
@ChookityPop I've read that PUFAs suppress thyroid hormones and that in the begining they were used to treat hyperthyroidism, imagine that. We eat too much PUFAs daily, it's everywhere in our food. I've stopped eating them couple of years ago and changed to olive oil and butter. PUFAs can incorporate into cell membranes so I wonder how long it takes to clean the body out of them, which is probably possible on a longer low fat diet. They also oxidate really quickly and can be proinflammatory producing ROS.

They're tasty but I think it is safer to use fats that were with us for much longer. I think in general we eat too much fat nowadays.