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Seborrhoeic Dermatitis from Moldy Covid Masks


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
Last week I developed a facial rash that was diagnosed as seborrhoeic dermatitis from mold. I got it from reusing (and not washing) masks in my car. Make sure you wash them! I see a lot of masks getting reused like this hanging in people's cars.


Senior Member
Stanford researchers found that one of the best ways to disinfect a face mask without damaging it is to place it in hot steam vapor from boiling water for just 10 minutes.

See the table on page 5 of this document: Addressing COVID-19 Face Mask Shortages | Stanford

Presumably placing masks in saucepan with boiling water, with steamer device to raise the masks above the water, would work.

Alternatively, Stanford say placing the mask in the oven at 70°C for 30 minutes also works (though for some unknown reason they say not to use your own oven).


Moose Enthusiast
Oh dear! I've heard of a lot of people getting 'maskne' recently. Skin cells, oils, makeup (if you wear it), moisture, etc. all get on your mask, which is then pressed up against the skin of the face. So it's good to actually wash masks, not simply disinfect them, but also to clean off all the schmutz to prevent skin irritation. Thankfully it should clear up pretty quickly. I've heard that some people use dandruff shampoo as a remedy. And in the meantime nobody will know...because your mask will cover the rash!
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Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
Oh dear! I've heard of a lot of people getting 'maskne' recently. Skin cells, oils, makeup (if you wear it), moisture, etc. all get on your mask, which is then pressed up against the skin of the face. So it's good to wash masks, not simply disinfect them, but to prevent skin irritation. Thankfully it should clear up pretty quickly. I've heard that some people use dandruff shampoo as a remedy. And in the meantime nobody will know...because your mask will cover the rash!

My PCP didn't even figure out what caused it. He just precribed ketoconazole + prednisone. A Walmart pharmacist tipped me off thank goodness.


Senior Member
Oh dear :( Thanks for the tip @gbells
I am an offender of the dirty tribe. I have an N95, only used in emergencies (have to fill up car at petrol station etc) and it gets hung in the wood-shed in between outings. I never thought of washing/steaming it or anything.

My wood shed has to be seen to be believed. Spiders live in there and other beings.

I haven't had dermatitis from it though, probably because I wear it so rarely and for only 10 minutes or so at a time.


Senior Member
I don't go out enough to use masks very often (I use one of the standard disposable surgical-type ones that come in a box from the chemist but I am never out for long), however, I did read somewhere that silk or breathable cotton face coverings can be better for this problem. I would imagine though that they may not protect either the wearer or others as well as the more standard masks.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
The best way to sterilize masks is to steam them in an instapot pressure cooker for three minutes.
In one of the earliest rice-cooker tests, Chung Shan Medical University’s Department of Occupational Safety and Health in Taichung, Taiwan, concluded that dry steaming N95 masks for three minutes in a rice cooker killed up to 99.7 percent of germs. https://hartfordhealthcaremedicalgr...nter/news-detail?articleId=26488&publicid=465
