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Screening of Unrest at Bath department of psychology: a matter of concern?


Senior Member

Unrest is being shown on EC's home turf and a clinician/researcher will answer questions afterwards. Now who could this be? :(

AFME are involved.

Do we have cause to be concerned?

Damned right we do! :mad:

How will Bath twist this to suit their patient-damaging agenda and personal ambitions?

Can anyone attend as it is open to the public?

The University of Bath Department of Psychology will be hosting a community screening of the award-winning, groundbreakingfilm Unrest, on 14th November at 5p.m.

The film follows Jennifer Brea (producer/director of Unrest) and her experiences with a chronic illness known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). Stuying for a PhD in Harvard and being only months away from marrying the love of her life, twenty-eight years old Jennifer gets a mysterious fever that leaves her bedridden and looking for answers. Disbelieved by doctors yet determined to live, she turns her camera on herself and discovers a hidden world of millions confined to their homes and bedrooms by ME.

Also commonly known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), ME/CFS is a devastating multi-system disease that causes dysfunction of the neurological, immune, endocrine and energy metabolism systems. It often follows an infection and leaves 75% of those affected unable to work. In many cases, people suffering from ME/CFS end up housebound or even bedridden for years, which makes them invisible to society. With the lack of medical education or clear treatment guidelines, most doctors find ME difficult to diagnose. Patients spend on average five years seeking a diagnosis. Five years in which the quality of lifeis heavily reduced and, in parts, even worse than that of patients suffering from other chronic diseses like cancer, depression or rheumatoid arthritis.

Worldwide, there are an estimated 15-30 million people living with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME).

More information on the film can be found here: https://www.unrest.film

Following the screening, there will be a panel discussion involving one researcher/clinician, one charity representative, as well as two individuals with personal experience with CFS/ME:

Jo Daniels is a lecturer in Clinical Psychology at the Department of Psychology, University of Bath, as well as Chartered Clinical Psychologist, working both in private practice and within the NHS. Here, she offers particular expertise in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Health Anxiety and CFS/ME.

Sonya Chowdhury is Chief Executive of Action for M.E. since 2012. Action for M.E. is one of three UK charity partners with Unrest. For information and support about M.E., visit www.actionforme.org.uk or call 0117 927 9551 (Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm).

Annabelle Finch is a second year MSci Psychology student at University of Bath. Annabelle's father was diagnosed with CFS/ME when she was two years old, and she watched his struggle with being retired young, and the battle he faced being accepted back into society and the workplace. Annabelle herself is now currently heading towards the end of a two-year battle to seek diagnosis for her own CFS/ME.

Jack Waterhouse is currently working towards a PhD at the University of Bath. He has suffered from CFS/ME for eight years. He has been facing many challenges and hurdles unique really to CFS sufferers, especially in the education environment.Despite finding it very difficult in places, he has made experiences overcoming the condition and managing to achieve throughout his education.

The event is free and open to the public. People with ME/CFS, carers, and others with an interest in the disease including students, clinicians, researchers and charity representatives are particularly welcome.

The venue is wheelchair accessible.


Misfit Toy

Senior Member
This will be interesting to hear if anyone goes, what is said. They ought to go over what they write before publishing. "stuying" above....STUDYING. Jen was studying. < Red flag right there...kidding, but not really.

I can't wait to see it.

Large Donner

Senior Member
I really wonder how they are going to spin this after showing the film. Its obvious they are going to try by virtue of the fact that the only researcher/clinician on the panel is a clinical psychologist who deals in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Health Anxiety and...... "CFS/ME".

Then we have two patients, one who appears not to have a diagnosis just yet and one of who, "has made experiences overcoming the condition", not sure what that even means in English.

Then there's Sonia Choudhury.


Senior Member
This is probably the person who is the 'expert' on ME.


She specialises in psychological conditions...........well, she would, of course,................and advocates CBT for ME.

What can she have to offer after Jen's film?

It sounds as if she straying beyond her qualifications.

Dr. Jo Daniels is a qualified Clinical Psychologist specialising in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in the Bristol area. Dr. Jo Daniels works in the NHS and in Private Practice with a range of difficulties including moderate to severe anxiety and depression, offering particular expertise in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Health Anxiety and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME. For more information about Dr Jo Daniels, please see the 'about me' page.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a goal oriented psychotherapeutic approach that aims to alleviate psychological problems and distress caused by physical health problems. One of the main aims is to increase your sense of control over your own thoughts, feelings and behaviour, and encourage you to build coping strategies and skills to help you in all areas of your life. For more information on CBT, please see the 'what is CBT' section. Within this section there is also a link to a BBC Radio Programme on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Anxiety, on which Dr Jo Daniels was the expert speaker.

Dr Jo Daniels has also worked in the field of research and within an academic role, ensuring that her work is evidence-based. The 'Publications' page gives an an overview of the research she has been involved in, which includes research into CFS/ME, working with people with disabilities, and a range of conference presentations and book reviews that may be of interest for those wishing to understand CBT more fully.

Large Donner

Senior Member
From her link:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a goal oriented psychotherapeutic approach that aims to alleviate psychological problems and distress caused by physical health problems

I'm not sure that's the prescribed aim of CBT anywhere. CBT is primarily not used to alleviate psychological problems and distress caused by physical health problems.

It may possibly be used for that if the situation calls for it but I am unaware of anywhere that makes the sole claim that it is used only for primary physical health conditions.

Unless of course we are going down the line of, "everything is physical and mental as the body and mind are entwined".

Large Donner

Senior Member
From further links on her page

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has been found to be particularly helpful for people who suffer from low mood, anxiety or physical health problems. Specific conditions or difficulties that can respond well to CBT include the following:

- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Social anxiety
- Health anxiety
- Panic attacks and agoraphobia
- Self-esteem issues
- Generalized anxiety, i.e. excessive worry

Psychological therapy to facilitate adjustment to physical health problems, or focussed CBT, may also benefit the management of physical health conditions such as:

- Chronic Pain
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Other physical symptoms which are not associated with a specific medical condition............


I also work as a psychological therapist within a biopsychosocial framework: I consider it important to work with the whole person - which encompasses biological, psychological, social and also spiritual aspects. As human beings we are all complicated social beings, and very often difficulties arise which affect us in all areas of our life - physical and psychological problems do not usually occur independently, or in a vacuum.

Large Donner

Senior Member

Selected Publications & Conference Presentations

Roos, J., & O’Dowd, H., (in press) ‘Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalopathy’ in (Ed.) ‘Oxford Handbook of Pain Management’, Oxford University Press: Oxford

Roos, J. & Wearden, A. (in press) Socialization to the model: an active therapeutic component in the therapeutic alliance? Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy Journal.

Roos, J. & Wearden, A. (2010) Mechanisms of change in 'Pragmatic Rehabilitation' for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: dynamic illness cognitions and socialization to the treatment model. In submission

Roos, J. & McGuigan, D. (2010) Defining the role and function of a new innovative service for teenagers and young adults with Cancer: a Delphi study. Poster presentation session at the Annual Cancer Care Congress, Manchester, UK

McGuigan, D. & Roos, J. (2010) Evaluating an innovative multi-disciplinary advisory team for teenagers and young adults with Cancer, poster presentation session at the Annual Cancer Care Congress, Manchester, UK

Roos, J. & Wearden, A. (2010) Illness cognitions and socialization to the treatment model: predictors of outcome in a randomised controlled trial for the treatment of CFS/ME, paper presented at the 38th Annual Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy Conference, Manchester, UK

Roos, J. & Wearden A., (2010) Socialization to the treatment model and change in illness beliefs during Pragmatic Rehabilitation (PR) for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, paper presented at the 6th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, USA

Roos, J. & Wearden, A. (2009) Socialization to the treatment model and outcome and pragmatic rehabilitation for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: preliminary findings, poster presentation session at the 37th Annual Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy Conference, Exeter, UK

Roos, J. & Wearden, A. (2009) What do we mean by ‘Socialization to the model’: a Delphi study, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy Journal, 37 (3), 341-345

Roos, J. (2008) Who cares about the parents? The implicit challenges of monitoring parental disability in child and adolescent services, Clinical Psychology Forum, March, 32-36

Roos, J. (2008) ‘The history of Medicine, Money and Politics: the rollercoaster ride of the NHS’, by Goddard, P (2008) reviewed in Bristol Review of Books, 8, 30-31

Roos, J. (2008) The therapeutic relationship: themes and applications, by Haugh, S. & Paul, S. (2008) reviewed in The Psychologist 21 (12), accessed online at http://www.thepsychologist.org.uk/

Roos, J. (2008) Clinical Psychology at doctorate level, Clinical Psychology Forum, July, 51-54

Roos, J. (2008) An Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Skills and applications, by Westbrook, D., Kennerley, H. & Kirk, J. (2007) reviewed in Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies Journal, 36, (2)247-250

Roos, J. (2007) Will it be everything you hoped for? The reality of Clinical Psychology training, The Higher Education Academy Psychology Network, Essay 21, accessed at http://www.psychology.heacademy.ac.uk/docs/pdf/p20070604

Roos, J. (2007) Disability – attitude is everything, The Psychologist, 20 (9) 557

Roos, J., & Hume, L., (2006) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome service: specialist help for ME, Bristol: North Bristol NHS Trust

Roos, J. (2006) Doing your research project, (4th Eds.) (2005) reviewed in The Psychologist, 19 (1) 47

Roos, J. (2005) Research: The stuff that people are made of, The Psychologist, 18 (4), 237

Roos, J., & Shortman, R. (2005) Research: the human factor, paper presented at The British Psychological Society South West Branch Careers Convention, Bristol, UK


Senior Member
Anyone have any news in this?

I definitely think this is a controlling the narrative exercise, if you can't beat 'em join in to set agenda and dilute impact/face save.

I see Sonya chowdhury is making a rare public appearance, usually the £1200/week CEO leaves such matters to Clare ogden whilst she seems solely focused on CMRC duties - that's a salary that would better off fund a good size ME research project per year.

On Facebook the uni staff said it was being streamed and recorded but pretty vague as to if it would be made available to wider viewership