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Scientific American -- We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe


Senior Member
It's the same debate as when the first cars came, the first airplane, the first generation mobile phones, then 3G/4G. All of those things were deemed unsafe to begin with. Even if they are and were to some degree, the question is how relevant that danger is and does it outweigh the benefit.

There are no benefits. 3G/4G are unsafe. Proven with the NTP study and many others.


Senior Member
The penetration of radiation depends on the wavelength and frequency. High frequency means low penetration.

5g has higher frequency (cycles per second) so it will have less penetration. That's why 2.5ghz internet goes farther, longer waves and lower frequency.

So 5g should be safer than our current 4g because it has less penetration.

Not true at all.

5G operates in Millimeter wavelengths, and Ultra-Low wavelengths, that bypass the human defense system.. 5G wavelengths are an extension of the Lily Wave. The Lily Wave was discovered by Pioneer John C. Lily.
Animals, as well as humans, will not even be able to detect these wavelengths. 5G has a broadband 1,000 times more powerful than 4G, and not only that, 5G will work synergistically with 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G, creating an exponentially potent grid, or matrix.


Non native EMF is damaging to our biology.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
Not true at all.

5G operates in Millimeter wavelengths, and Ultra-Low wavelengths, that bypass the human defense system.. 5G wavelengths are an extension of the Lily Wave. The Lily Wave was discovered by Pioneer John C. Lily.
Animals, as well as humans, will not even be able to detect these wavelengths. 5G has a broadband 1,000 times more powerful than 4G, and not only that, 5G will work synergistically with 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G, creating an exponentially potent grid, or matrix.


Non native EMF is damaging to our biology.

Of course 5g is more powerful, it has shorter wavelength so it must be to be transmitted. I agree with the prev guy who thinks a lot of the criticism is fear mongering.


Senior Member
Cell Phone Radiation Is Associated With DNA Damage In Peer-Reviewed Analysis Of NTP Study.

Significant increases in DNA damage were found in the frontal cortex of male mice (both modulations), leukocytes of female mice (CDMA only), and hippocampus of male rats (CDMA only). The study concluded that these results suggest that exposure to RFR is associated with an increase in DNA damage.” “Our results and the results of other experiments suggest that non-thermal exposure of cells or whole organisms to RFR may result in measurable genotoxic effects.” As cell phone radiation is non-ionizing, the authors reference how “induction of oxygen radicals or interference with DNA repair processes have been proposed as possible mechanisms by which RFR could cause DNA damage.

“We can no longer ignore the mounting scientific evidence that proves ordinary cell phone radiation leads to DNA damage, the very basic building blocks of all living things. It’s time for federal action to reduce exposure to the public,” stated Devra Davis PhD, MPH, President of Environmental Health Trust.

“Cell phones came on the market with the assumption that cell phone radiation was safe- as long as it did not create significant heat. This study shows such assumptions are wrong. An important lesson that should be learned from this study is that we can no longer assume that any current or future wireless technology, including 5G, is safe without adequate testing,” stated Ron Melnick, PhD, lead designer of the study and as Senior Toxicologist at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences now retired.

“Unfortunately the cell phone wireless safety standards in North America are based on a theory that’s many decades old, that if tissue doesn’t get heated by the radiation, it can’t cause harm. In this study, the radiation exposure to the animals was carefully controlled to ensure that tissues were not heated, yet DNA damage was caused. Thus, FCC and Health Canada wireless radiation limits are not sufficiently protective. This study adds to the large body of ever growing research showing that non-ionizing radiation that does not heat tissue can and does cause harm to humans”,


Senior Member
So many are glued to their phones as they avoid the world around them. That's avoidable. :D

Yeah, you could easily avoid using a smartphone (at least unless in some selected few necessary situations), yet I don't hear the same concerns raised about smartphone radiation as with 5G. It used to be a thing in the 90's when mobile phone technology was new, but nowadays people have just accepted the risk it seems and kept using their smartphones. I have no reason to think anything different is going to happen with 5G.


Senior Member
5G in relation to oxidative stress and inflammation

Di Ciaula A. 2018

"Preliminary observations showed that MMW increase skin temperature, alter gene expression, promote cellular proliferation and synthesis of proteins linked with oxidative stress, inflammatory and metabolic processes, could generate ocular damages, affect neuro-muscular dynamics. "


Senior Member
Of course 5g is more powerful, it has shorter wavelength so it must be to be transmitted. I agree with the prev guy who thinks a lot of the criticism is fear mongering.

Far from it.
Thousands of studies show the harmof microwave radition.

nnEMF causes calcium efflux, this is an established fact. The implicatins of this are major.