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Scientific American -- We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
My wife and I are both quite concerned about the advent of 5G. She started a group here in So. Oregon to see what could be done to stop it. Oregon seems to be a focal point of resistance to this technology, and I think the CIty of Portland has already decided they won't allow it. -- I thought the following recent article was a good read. Would likely be of special interest to anybody with fragile health.

We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe
The technology is coming, but contrary to what some people say, there could be health risks​
By Joel M. Moskowitz on October 17, 2019​

Here's the introduction:
The telecommunications industry and their experts have accused many scientists who have researched the effects of cell phone radiation of "fear mongering" over the advent of wireless technology's 5G. Since much of our research is publicly-funded, we believe it is our ethical responsibility to inform the public about what the peer-reviewed scientific literature tells us about the health risks from wireless radiation.​
The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently announced through a press release that the commission will soon reaffirm the radio frequency radiation (RFR) exposure limits that the FCC adopted in the late 1990s. These limits are based upon a behavioral change in rats exposed to microwave radiation and were designed to protect us from short-term heating risks due to RFR exposure.​
Yet, since the FCC adopted these limits based largely on research from the 1980s, the preponderance of peer-reviewed research, more than 500 studies, have found harmful biologic or health effects from exposure to RFR at intensities too low to cause significant heating.​
Citing this large body of research, more than 240 scientists who have published peer-reviewed research on the biologic and health effects of nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which calls for stronger exposure limits. The appeal makes the following assertions:​


Senior Member
5G is NOT safe. PERIOD.

That statement is not correct, as it is presented as a statement of fact, but at this stage we do not know whether 5G may have any adverse health effects.

But it would be correct to say that:

Sunlight is NOT safe. PERIOD.

Because we know for sure that sunlight causes skin cancer, cataracts, macular degeneration, premature skin aging, and immune suppression.

5G is devestating for any living organism.

That's alarmist, and is not based on any evidence and fact.

For those with CFS it is the worst thing we can encounter due to the issues it causes will calcium efflux.

That statement can easily be countered by the fact that 5G does not enter into the body. 5G can only penetrate about 1 mm or so into the tissues, so only the skin and eyes may be affected. 5G cannot get deep enough into the body to affect internal organs.
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
so only the skin and eyes may be affected. 5G cannot get deep enough into the body to affect internal organs.

In my experience, the body is a CONNECTED ENTITY. Its apparent parts are in fact somehow hooked together. And its energtically hooked together.

eyes and skin are part of the body. I don't know what penetrate 1 mm means. Acupuncture needles, for example, are applied superficially to stimulate (or talk to) the internal organs.

We have a long historic record of unleashing great danger into our environment, adversely affecting our bodies. And alot of times it turns out when we figure it out, its too late now. The solvents were let loose. Its too late now.

It would also seem that long term exposure cannot be studied, because it requires long term exposure and these technologies are brand new. Like one town nearby has 140 4G towers will have 5000 5G towers.


Senior Member
That statement is not correct, as it is presented as a statement of fact, but at this stage we do not know whether 5G may have any adverse health effects.

But it would be correct to say that:

Sunlight is NOT safe. PERIOD.

Because we know for sure that sunlight causes skin cancer, cataracts, macular degeneration, premature skin aging, and immune suppression.

That's alarmist, and is not based on any evidence and fact.

That statement can easily be countered by the fact that 5G does not enter into the body. 5G can only penetrate about 1 mm or so into the tissues, so only the skin and eyes may be affected. 5G cannot get deep enough into the body to affect internal organs.

Sunlight heals and prevents all known cancers.

5G does enter the body.


Senior Member
That statement is not correct, as it is presented as a statement of fact, but at this stage we do not know whether 5G may have any adverse health effects.

But it would be correct to say that:

Sunlight is NOT safe. PERIOD.

Because we know for sure that sunlight causes skin cancer, cataracts, macular degeneration, premature skin aging, and immune suppression.

That's alarmist, and is not based on any evidence and fact.

That statement can easily be countered by the fact that 5G does not enter into the body. 5G can only penetrate about 1 mm or so into the tissues, so only the skin and eyes may be affected. 5G cannot get deep enough into the body to affect internal organs.

The skin contains MELANOPSIN. This means every cell will be effected via break of the weak covalant bond between retinol and melanosin,

5G will be devestating.


Senior Member
In my experience, the body is a CONNECTED ENTITY. Its apparent parts are in fact somehow hooked together. And its energtically hooked together.

eyes and skin are part of the body. I don't know what penetrate 1 mm means. Acupuncture needles, for example, are applied superficially to stimulate (or talk to) the internal organs.

We have a long historic record of unleashing great danger into our environment, adversely affecting our bodies. And alot of times it turns out when we figure it out, its too late now. The solvents were let loose. Its too late now.

It would also seem that long term exposure cannot be studied, because it requires long term exposure and these technologies are brand new. Like one town nearby has 140 4G towers will have 5000 5G towers.

EVERY CELL in your by is affected by the light you put on your skin.
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Senior Member

'5G Would Be Crime Against Humanity'.
"If our local councillors let 5G into the district it tells me that the policy is dictated by big Corporations and they don't care about the people that voted for them."
"Dr Sharon Goldberg says the roll out of 5G would be a 'crime against humanity' adding that 5G causes, DNA damage to all life forms, plants, animals, insects, and microbes, while in humans, "clear evidence" of cancer, DNA damage and cardiomyopathy, the latter of which is precursor of congestive heart failure.".
SECOND letter Down Recorder - 23 October 2019. http://www.thedownrecorder.co.uk/
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Senior Member
Yesterday I heard an intriguing advertisement on my radio. Somewhere in UK (couldn't recall where they mentioned) a "new upgraded better-functioning 4G" was advertised by a company.

So it made me wonder why they would bother doing that if 5G was coming (to that particular area anway), and whether they have a change of plan re: 5G (?)


Senior Member
I don't know if people know this story elsewhere, but there was a woman in UK: Susanne Small, who was FORCED into a mental health facility for discussing 5G with her family doctor.

She was armed with a good deal of information in the form, I believe, of links, and paperwork, which her doctor never even looked at.
Granted, she threw herself into this discussion at a rate of knots, and may have been trying to cover so much info. in the ridiculous allotted consultation time (10 minutes here) that she sounded a little manic....
But still.....
The men in white coats came to her home and carted her away. No kidding.
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Senior Member
Wouldn't that be "false imprisonment", or something like that?
Not necessarily if the medical report stated she may be a "danger to herself and possibly others". I believe she was sectioned. In the doctor's opinion she was "very stressed".


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
I can't wait for 5g. The cable companies have a monopoly on internet service. I can't wait for T-mobile to have 5g internet in my area to finally provide some competition.

Spectrum tried to raise its rates 10% this year. I negociated it to a freeze with no increase.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
Our skin is the largest organ in our body. It's hard to accept that something that affects it, even minimally, would have no other affect on our fragile systems.

The penetration of radiation depends on the wavelength and frequency. High frequency means low penetration.

5g has higher frequency (cycles per second) so it will have less penetration. That's why 2.5ghz internet goes farther, longer waves and lower frequency.

So 5g should be safer than our current 4g because it has less penetration.


Senior Member
It's the same debate as when the first cars came, the first airplane, the first generation mobile phones, then 3G/4G. All of those things were deemed unsafe to begin with. Even if they are and were to some degree, the question is how relevant that danger is and does it outweigh the benefit.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Spectrum tried to raise its rates 10% this year. I negociated it to a freeze with no increase.


they nearly DOUBLED ours...and NO GIVE (we have only internet)

All the new customers will get the reduced rate and the older customers get doubled. And its a monopoly


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA

they nearly DOUBLED ours...and NO GIVE (we have only internet)

All the new customers will get the reduced rate and the older customers get doubled. And its a monopoly

I think its all how you handle the conversation with the phone rep. I explained up front that I was under financial stress due to a big rent increase, that I was disabled, that I was considering switching to other internet options and then asked them to see what they could do to help me keep it affordable. I told her I could use my wifi on cell phone for $40/mo or switch to Frontier at $34.99/mo. She refused the new customer rate of $45/mo so I offered to accept a rate freeze at $50.99. Her manager approved that and it was done. It felt like negociating to buy a car.