Science Media Centre - "CBT - does it really work?"


The wise nematode hibernates
James Coyne has done a blog on this too.

[QUOTE = Quick Thoughts - One of James C. Coyne's Blogs]
Is the Science Media Centre briefing on cognitive behaviour therapy trustworthy?
When Coyne sticks to what he does well, he does it very well.
I have learned to be skeptical of UK expertise offered with Dame or Sir in the title.
Here I will only say that Professor Moss-Morris was brought in by the Science Media Centre to offer an expert reaction to the follow-up report from the PACE trial.
... You can go to the Science Media Centre to see Professor Moss-Morris’ expert opinion. She was quite embarrassed to have been brought in and declared a conflict of interest generally missing in this kind of publicity campaign:

I wonder if this is yet another colleague being allowed a bite at the apple now that it has gone thoroughly sour?

Large Donner

Senior Member
You can go to the Science Media Centre to see Professor Moss-Morris’ expert opinion. She was quite embarrassed to have been brought in and declared a conflict of interest generally missing in this kind of publicity campaign:

She cant be that embarrassed as she has made a career out of spouting the same bullshit herself. She must have embarrassed herself all the way to the bank.

Research 1st

Severe ME, POTS & MCAS.
The whole notion of a single authoritative source about science is disturbing and should be resisted.

Exhibit A: The SMC.

Big Brother has observed you are thinking as a free minded individual with rational thought, please go to the cognitive reassignment (CBT) area of Zone A immediately, this is not healthy for you!

After brain washing has been commenced there you will see a free mind is really one of imprisonment and endless worry. A healthy way of life is to be directed into decision making by authority. This is the only way, proven, and optimised. Join us now, learn to grow.

What is needed for the 'greater good' is heard mentality. This is more polite for our owners, after all, we are cattle to be farmed and when we are sick in the mind, we are useless for purposes of taxation and cannot be as easily exploited. Failure to recover from infection, is mental oversight as is the 'belief in autoimmune illness. CBT teaches us this.

Rehabilitation into society is the answer for us all, 'treatment' of a disease based on ''myth'' is not necessary - so say the radical Marxists, who we must obey or will will be come deserved targets for Xenophobic apartheid oppression because we resisted 'The Way'.

Zone A will teach you, when socialised health care is engaged in malignant medico-politics, you have no option but to accept the will of Big Brother.

Resistance is futile.

Have a Nice Day, and Love thy Neighbour - Peace is within us.

Art Vandelay

Senior Member
More seriously there is an industry of people employed to do CBT and it is a different conflict of interest model than one designed for drugs. People earn a living and hospitals make profit on selling CBT services. I suspect that CBT is quite profitable for them.

Fraudulent therapies like CBT are extra-profitable because they don't cure illness. That is, much like long term talk therapy, CBT can provide an endless stream of revenue for these snake oil salesmen because patients are told they must attend yet more sessions until they are cured (which of course, never happens).

"Still having those maladaptive illness beliefs? We'll have to book you in for another 10 sessions starting next week. Don't worry, my assistant will bill the taxpayer."

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I suppose it depends how you define 'works' ! I did it at King's Collage under Chalder. But wasn't part of the trial.
Being urged to believe symptoms are not physical caused me to ignore what turned out to be diagnosable and (maybe) treatable POTs.....thus saving money for the NHS....


PR activist
Being urged to believe symptoms are not physical caused me to ignore what turned out to be diagnosable and (maybe) treatable POTs.....thus saving money for the NHS....
CBT isn't even that cheap. Psychologists charge quite a lot per session. Treating POTS with a med would likely be cheaper. The psychs have somehow convinced the system that they are worth the money.

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
There's a bit of 'good intentions' at work here, too. In the UK there is a concerted effort to reduce overprescribing of drugs — quite a sensible idea in itself. But as with so many things in our centralised, top-down national institutions the idea has gathered an unthinking momentum to the point where anything proffered as an alternative to drugs is assumed to be a Good Thing. Even if it doesn't actually work.

Our healthcare system gets very evangelical about such ideas and common sense tends to go out the window.


Senior Member
There's a bit of 'good intentions' at work here, too. In the UK there is a concerted effort to reduce overprescribing of drugs — quite a sensible idea in itself. But as with so many things in our centralised, top-down national institutions the idea has gathered an unthinking momentum to the point where anything proffered as an alternative to drugs is assumed to be a Good Thing. Even if it doesn't actually work.

Our healthcare system gets very evangelical about such ideas and common sense tends to go out the window.

But the reducing drugs and relying on CBT for psychosis is simply dangerous yet some groups were spinning trial results that didn't support that view as if they did.

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
But the reducing drugs and relying on CBT for psychosis is simply dangerous yet some groups were spinning trial results that didn't support that view as if they did.

That's what I said. People get evangelical and stop thinking. Politicians and budget planners especially get so focussed on the target (reducing prescription) that they adopt any old thing that seems to offer what they're tasked with delivering, regardless of whether it's any use or even safe. It's tunnel vision, and the psych industry is exploiting it.


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
I think people can now see that those of us who did say it has all been a mother typical, dirty, rotten, cowardly bloody "conspiracy", both on terms of the SMC itself and how ME and patients themselves has been handled...

a murderous conspiracy at that, for if you deny treatment to very sick patients for personal profit, ego, ideological or religious zealotry or other selfish reasons, and patients die, it is murder.

*stands there with arms folded, floor tapping the floor*
as usual:
I told you so.


Senior Member
CBT isn't even that cheap. Psychologists charge quite a lot per session. Treating POTS with a med would likely be cheaper. The psychs have somehow convinced the system that they are worth the money.
Right... it's not that cheap - hence more money in the pocket of those who practice it instead of running more and more tests and funding the studies that do not yet (at least a few years ago) offer a hope of identifying this condition.

You get enough people telling NHS that these people have a condition of the mind and they only need a few months of CBT, and you can save yourself the $20-30 million that ought to have been spent towards helping identify and treat the real condition.