I hope you agree that a physician needs to consider non-medical issues even if considered secondary to proper medical treatment?
Absolutely. For the first twenty years that I looked after people with RA my job was largely one of managing psychological and social issues - as a physician. I wouldn't even consider these non-medical really. Medicine is about trying to solve life problems, not blood results. But we never talked of a 'biopsychosocial model'. And I agree with A.B. that 'the BPS model' of ME does not exist - how can it when we have no clue what is going on - no substantiated theory. We have no reliable data for causal effects of psychological or social factors. It is just insinuated that there must be. This is bullshitting.
My book-writing analogy for autoimmunity is just as applicable to brains. In at least some cases ME might be a 'software crash' purely in the brain. But that does not mean there are 'psychological or social causes'. One has to consider the scenario as a whole. The cause is really the way the world is. We do not have the option to hop in the Starship Enterprise and nip off to the emotionally sanitised atmosphere of Vulcan (because Kirk has taken it for a millenial service).
I think MS provides a useful comparison here. MS patients get supportive advice about recovery from their neurologists (hopefully). They also get exercises from physiotherapists. What is not said is that these therapies are designed to work by suggestion, as in the placebo effect, despite the fact they obviously will do to an important degree. Nobody talks of 'MSBT': an unsubstantiated specialised technique that uniquely gives the best placebo effect for MS and induces recovery.
The key difference is the perception that MS pathology causes impaired function in the brain at a level below that of 'mind'. It does of course effect mind, though, so the involvement of mind is not what matters. The key difference, I think is that it is assumed that in MS the regulatory errors caused by the disease are not correctable through the 'psychological' means of talk and body language. (Body language is almost certainly more important than talk, which is why I suspect that many therapists delivering CBT in word terms are completely useless even as placebos - often the reverse.) The assumption of the BPS model is that the regulatory errors of ME are susceptible to language.
I am prepared to believe that some people who have the symptom complex of CFS and might even be said to have an ME have brain regulatory errors that are indeed susceptible to language. Language can have extremely powerful effects on deep brain mechanisms. 'Miracle cures' in church are perfectly within the realm of neurophysiology. But what strikes me as indisputable is that for the great majority of people with ME/CFS this does not seem to apply. There are regulatory errors in brain, immune system or both that are completely unreachable by tweaking endorphine receptors with language. They are at a different level of biological structure - a level that is not 'mind' in the sense the ordinary person understands.
Maybe the real contradiction in the 'BPS model' is that it is propounded as 'a model' while at the same time it is acknowledged that there are a wide range of different 'diseases' involved. We do not have a breakfastlunchdinner model for a meal. It is either breakfast or lunch or dinner or maybe brunch.
Apart from getting involved in ME I spend most of my time researching the structure of the mind. As you might expect my views are precise, complicated and quite different from the received wisdom (that's being a Vulcan for you). The mind is far more magic than magic but I think it is also something we can understand in a scientific way. Like a newborn baby it is the most wonderful thing of all but it still has to be bathed and dressed and looked after because it is in fact helpless on its own. It cannot undo a plaque of demyelination in MS and similarly I do not think it can undo most types of ME process.
So I cannot take 'biopsychosocial' seriously. Like Maria Fitzgerald I would like to go for 'all biological'. Whether we agree what we mean by that is another matter, and hopefully I will find out when we meet for lunch in a few weeks time.