Saw some visual snow, now i can’t tolerate darkness. Gives me hallucinations, which then pushes me.


Senior Member
@Dr.Lynne i love your writing and personality, thanks lol.

glad for the hearing tip. Ill keep that in my back pocket, altbough i havent been able to listen to music or book on tape etc since having me, even at a higher base line. At least the racket outside my house is constant lol! I think it might help some.

its not the hallucinations that distress me per se. they are only visual distorted and not mind distorted, i don’t mind them at all.(although it is starting to become mind too)

its that when my brain is doing this, it essentially overhears and uses caloric energy. Has been that way since the start.

so instead of resting, my brain overheats. In the past i was able to read on my phone and it went away. And before me video games for months was the trick. Both seem at of reach at present.

i think it’s just going to have to be luck frankly.

which i don’t like, but here i am.

@Marylib dont fret my friend, i think its all just a part of life sadly. Maybe ill get better, maybe not. Not sure what else to say. If there was something i could do i’d do it, but i just have to hope something happens inside of me outside of my control i think.

it better happen soon though, things are going beyond bad. Its like i’m jogging in a crash.
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Senior Member
its not the hallucinations that distress me per se. they are only visual distorted and not mind distorted, i don’t mind them at all.(although it is starting to become mind too). Its that when my brain is doing this, it essentially overhears and uses caloric energy. Has been that way since the start. So instead of resting, my brain overheats.

What are your 2 favorite songs (and if you don't have 2 favorite songs, does one of your favorite people have a favorite song)?


Senior Member
The power of song is incredible.
-- Athletes use songs to get their best performance.
-- Teachers use songs to teach children things (hint to all the parents & grandparents out there - singing your phone number to toddlers and little kids is an excellent way to teach them what number to call in case of emergency).
-- Those of us who work in K9 behavior, with so-called "problem" dogs, know that soft songs turn visually-triggered dogs into calmer "listening" dogs.
-- And singing your favorite tune can help you disregard negative stimuli - especially if it is visual stimuli - to help you get through a situation and "reboot" to a better place psychologically.

Counting is another way to do some of these things, but singing (however softly or silently) is so much more fun! :D

Plus...humming a positive tune in your head doesn't burn needed calories, whereas stress and anxiety....


Senior Member
@Dr.Lynne i cant listen to music because it pushes me, plus i get pretty good neural imprinting from it, which seems to be bad.

i was listening to some rap music, stjon i think is his name, after coming out of the last crash.

it was looovely. But it essentially became negative overall. Because the stuff you are saying is true, but on so many fronts my disability asserts itself. The emotion of elation is worse than steady non emotion because it gets pushy. I also get neural imprinting so it loops in my head too much and i cant stop playing it, which is a bit uncomfy. I did do some testing though, to see if it would be better to just let the imprinting happen, but in the end jt was clear to me that it was a net negative.

i think under normal circumstances i would agree, But with this disease, for me anyway, everything has to come under scrutiny, even positive things.

here is the song though i really like it.



Senior Member
Can you listen to yourself singing? Or does that get songs negatively looping in your head?

For anyone else looking for some fun music to reboot your day in a positive way, check out:

(Catmantoo - Happy)

Here's another:

(Catmantoo - I Can't Stop the Feeling)

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Have you ever worked with any sound healing videos? Different from music, they are very relaxing....very simple tones....
no words, not complex, but very soothing and relaxing....

Let me find this particularly video I like....

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Here is a sound healing thing....I have used this to relax.....maybe see if it might help calm something down or allow some gentle rest.
