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Saw a new doctor


Senior Member
I saw a new doctor who works at the CFS discovery clinic here in Melbourne. The clinic is supposedly reputable (I saw her at another cheap center, however).

Anyway, she seemed quite intuitively knowledgeable, i.e. picking up on stuff and making suggestions that no one else had mentioned up until this point, but I also don't know how much to believe.

So far, prior to seeing her, I have tested negative for Chlamydia Pneumoniae, Mycoplasma, EBV, Herpes, H. Pylori etc. I did a Lyme & co. panel that was all negative too.

I have low Vit D, low B12, anemia of chronic disease, high RT3, low zinc, slightly elevated homocysteine and high monocytes.

Initially, she thought Lyme based on the monocytes and the fact that I scored high on the Horowitz questionnaire, but she retracted that later on: I can't specifically recall why .. I think because my neck glands felt okay to her. She said the Horowitz questionnaire can cover any multi-system infection. She then said she thinks my primary infectious issue is Candida, backed up by the fact that I have visible bloating and have developed fungal infections on my feet and red spots on my arms etc.

She said we could test for it, but it would cost; I've read a lot of conflicting info on how legitimate Candida overgrowth in the gut is .. She also gave me a form for a comprehensive stool analysis to check for dysbiosis, but it's $350 and not something I can afford right now.

She thinks I have copper overload, based on my low Zinc and psychiatric symptoms (a lot of revved up energy, nerviness, anger etc.).

Given that I can't tolerate any supplements without crashing -- including probiotics, Vit D, B12 etc. -- without provoking a reaction, she wants me to start with coffee enemas to improve my immunity and relieve the copper burden. She seemed pretty confident that doing 2-3 a week for a few weeks will allow me to then tolerate supplements more effectively.


Senior Member
I am wondering if it might be worth saving up or finding a way to get the expensive stool analysis done


Test Subject
If your doctor thinks you have fungus in your gut why not try a natural treatment like Thorne Labs formula SF722. I don't think it will hurt, plus this stuff has really worked for some.


Senior Member
If your doctor thinks you have fungus in your gut why not try a natural treatment like Thorne Labs formula SF722. I don't think it will hurt, plus this stuff has really worked for some.

I may order it when I get some money. I am just scared to experiment at this point because I herx on everything.


Senior Member
San Francisco
I'm a candida sceptic. I've had a lot of vaginal candida (yeast) infections, and my kids had a bit of thrush and diaper rash--both caused by candida--and they were instantly recognizable. No test needed. Besides, candida is normally found in your gut in small numbers, so any test that's sensitive enough will pick it up. Then your dr. can tell you that you have a candida problem and you need to spend more money.

Here's what Wikipedia says:

Micronutrients such as vitamins D & B12, zinc, and iron are inexpensive and unlikely to cause problems (although iron can cause constipation). Personally, I'd go to a dermatologist for red spots and a psychiatrist or therapist for anger issues.


Test Subject
Yes @outdamnspot, the herx effect is something to worry about. I would suggest you read some of the product reviews to see how other people have faired. I noted SF722 is significantly more expensive in Australia, buying it on ebay from the USA might be the cheapest option.


Senior Member
Why don't you just try a candida cleanse and see how you feel? Granted, a herx could be an issue, but that means it's working and that you just need to slow it down a bit.

After doing a ton of research, my partner is following the protocol on this website: https://www.thecandidadiet.com. (The site also has a ton of really fantastic recipes, which make following the protocol feel do-able.) This is her second go at it. The first time, she had a few hard weeks and then her symptoms dramatically improved and she felt amazing. But she lost her resolve and went off the protocol too early; the candida came back. So now she's doing it again. She's about six weeks in, and again she's starting to feel about 1000 times better than she did before.

Anyway. I would also say this: I've been sick for two years now. I finally got some money and was able to purchase about a comprehensive stool analysis and an organic acids test. The two tests cost me about $800, which by the way is a fraction of the money I've spent in the last two years on supplements, and is also literally nothing compared to what I'd pay to get those two years back. I got my results literally yesterday, and it turns out that I have a citrobacter overgrowth and a few other problems, and that I need to completely change my treatment protocol.

I am kicking myself so hard right now for not just borrowing money from my family or doing a kickstarter or something and getting those tests done right at the beginning. Seriously, it is worth it.

But maybe try treating the candida first. It doesn't have to be expensive: just stop eating lousy food and invest a few bucks in some caprylic acid. If that works, you saved yourself a few hundred bucks on testing. If it doesn't, order the tests.

That's my two cents.
It's your body, do what you want.