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San Francisco Bay Area -- April 19 ME/CFS talk


Senior Member

Dr. Kogelnik, the Infectious Disease doctor who did the groundbreaking work with Jose Montoya on anti-virals and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome up at Stanford will be doing a free talk on CFS. He has asked people to come out to show the hospital that there is strong community interest. It would be great if you could make it. Here are the details.

Quote from Dr. Kogelnik:

For those of you who are local and interested...I've been asked to do a 30 min talk on CFS with Q and A by the Women's Hospital at El Camino Hospital's Mountain View campus. For most patients who've seen me in the clinic - a lot of this will be review. All are welcome. Please come if you can as it would be nice to show the hospital that there is a strong community interest for this topic.

El Camino Women's Hospital - Lunch N Learn: "Re-evaluating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Immunology"

Tuesday, April 19

12:30 1:30pm

El Camino Hospital Main Hospital, conference room G



Senior Member
Did anyone manage to attend this talk yesterday or have a link to a post about it?


Senior Member
Thanks Doogle! A good write up from different folks.

Interesting that Dr. Kogelnik has a paper awaiting publication possibly next month. Perhaps this will shed further light on why he doesn't think XMRV is the culprit connected to ME/CFS yet thinks another retovirus could be at play.



Senior Member
Here's a link to another write up of Dr. Kogelnik's talk and a couple of interesting excerpts from it.


"Open Medicine Institute will soon make a registry available to the public that allows patients to quantify their disease and to potentially tie that back to their own biologic samples.

Within the next two weeks, Open Medicine Institute will start immune-modulator trials. Theres been some researech in Norway with Rituxan. Rituxan is a B cell agent that wipes out B cells, which is one of the potential reservoirs especially for EBV or HHV-6, but also for other pathogens. There has been some great clinical success with Rituxan on a short-term basis, but there is no long-term data yet. Patients on Rituxan have had almost complete resolution of their symptoms within 24 hours. Unfortunately, after the drug wears off, the symptoms return. So the question to look at is what Rituxan is doing immunologically and how that can be sustained long term."