Safe Dental Materials?


work in progress
N. California
I just had a filling done Friday and had a glass ionomer filling put into a real badly multi-cavitied tooth, which I have far too many of lately. :(

It was on my "safe" list, but I have had rather severe excito-toxcity since Friday afternoon, barely any sleep and am now thinking to just pull the tooth out. So sick of getting sick trying to rescue my teeeth which just keep sprouting cavities left and right.

WHAT ARE THE ABSOLUTE SAFEST DENTAL MATERIALS..?. besides the ceramic ones, which don't work on the sides of the teeth.

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks
WHAT ARE THE ABSOLUTE SAFEST DENTAL MATERIALS..?. besides the ceramic ones, which don't work on the sides of the teeth.

To find the safest ones for you, supposedly you can get a blood test.

Did you mean composite or ceramic, by the way?

I have too many cavities and I found that these are very important: vitamin K2, vitamin D3, vitamin A, calcium and strontium. I would not take calcium or strontium supplements however. I would make sure they comes from diet. You need less calcium if your diet is low in grains.

(For the vitamin K2, I am unsure if you need MK-4, MK-7, or both to prevent and heal cavities. For general health, both.) Vitamin K2 needs to be taken with something that has fat.


Senior Member
Safest is all-porcelain crowns and a bonding agent tested beforehand that you know you're okay with. That's a lot more expensive than fillings, but if you're going to be sick from the fillings, it's probably worth it.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I have managed to misplace my most recent hair mineral test results. On the next-to-last one, my strontium had dropped to the bottom of reference range. It had dropped some on the one before that as well.
hydroxyapatite and calcium hydroxide cement otherwise zirconia/zirconium and zinc phosphate (flecks)

barium, fluoride, Bis-GMA plastics, Aluminum, Fluoride, Amalgam a big NO!
The safest dental material is gold. But it's not practical. Composites are plastic and plastics aren't that safe but I find that I have to get them. One holistic dentist used to give me something called Detox for Dentals which was homeopathic and worked!!!!!!! I'd get a composite filling and have that awful plastic taste in my mouth afterwards with maybe some swelling and just a funny feeling but then a few doses of the Detox for Dentals and it was all cleared up. It seems like things are getting worse--holistic dentists got run out of the country and treatments that worked and helped us got ridiculed and maybe discontinued too.


Senior Member
Gold isn't safe, either, sorry to say. When I first had my amalgams removed, I had gold crowns placed and my symptoms almost immediately started coming back. I had to have them all removed like a week or two later and replaced with 100% ceramic crowns, which are completely safe and inert. You just have to make sure you tolerate whatever adhesive substances are used.

Moral of the story: any metal in the mouth is a bad idea.
Gold isn't safe, either, sorry to say. When I first had my amalgams removed, I had gold crowns placed and my symptoms almost immediately started coming back. I had to have them all removed like a week or two later and replaced with 100% ceramic crowns, which are completely safe and inert. You just have to make sure you tolerate whatever adhesive substances are used.

Moral of the story: any metal in the mouth is a bad idea.

I'm sorry you had trouble with the gold. It sure does get expensive. I had trouble with the porcelain crowns too because they are or were not 100% porcelain. There is some sort of a plastic resin that holds them together and that made me sick. I researched and tried to find the best kind for me but it's pretty impossible.


Senior Member
I had found this a few years ago, and don't know anything about it, but it might be worth looking into, zirconia:
Q: My dentist cautions against using porcelain on my back teeth because I am a grinder and he fears that the porcelain will crack. However, I hate metal, even far back in my mouth. Is there no alternative?
A: There is an alternative. We have begun to make crowns of solid zirconia, an industrial strength ceramic material that appears to be impervious to chipping and fracture. It is not as beautiful as porcelain but there is no metal display and it will satisfy most people if confined to the back of the mouth. Costs are similar to all porcelain or porcelain fused to metal crowns.

I should add that this is from a a regular dentist, not one that appears to be aware of holistic/non-toxic approaches.


Senior Member
Oh no! I just came across this somewhere else re zirconia: :eek:

Are there any risks associated with using Zirconia?

One of the main risks associated with Zirconium based implants is radioactivity. Zirconium at any time can contain a certain number of radioactive isotopes. This can lead to an increased chance of various Oral cancers. Generally implants are produced from Zirconia material with extremely low radiation emission levels however all manufacturers of Zirconia dental implants are asked to produce a declaration of radioactivity for their Zirconium based dental products.

God it just seems the whole dental industry is such a toxic scammy mess. I keep waiting for them to be able to grow new teeth from your own DNA! what are they waiting for?!
Oh no! I just came across this somewhere else re zirconia: :eek:

Are there any risks associated with using Zirconia?

One of the main risks associated with Zirconium based implants is radioactivity. Zirconium at any time can contain a certain number of radioactive isotopes. This can lead to an increased chance of various Oral cancers. Generally implants are produced from Zirconia material with extremely low radiation emission levels however all manufacturers of Zirconia dental implants are asked to produce a declaration of radioactivity for their Zirconium based dental products.

God it just seems the whole dental industry is such a toxic scammy mess. I keep waiting for them to be able to grow new teeth from your own DNA! what are they waiting for?!

That's what I say. Take a sample and grow our own teeth for replacements. I also used to think that when we lost our baby teeth they could use them as replacements somehow, maybe even grind them up and put them back together. But then there'd be toxic glue.