Russian XMRV Study


Senior Member
Just came across this Russian study on XMRV at: . Google's translation is a bit sketchy, but then again my Russian (which consists of "da" and "nyet") is worse. :)

"Professor Kandel together Alexander calmness of Rossiyskogo Cancer Research Center Blokhin going to seriously deal with this virus. Having studied the American data bank of tissues, they want to determine how long XMRV became infected person. A Russian Oncological check for the presence in their blood of the virus.

It is possible that the inhabitants of our country it is not found, - says Alexander Calm. As you know, it was discovered in the Americas, where he recorded much more frequently than in Europe. We plan to examine the presence of the virus blood cells of cancer patients 100-200. The first results will appear in the winter-spring of next year.

At any rate, it's yet another XMRV study coming down the pipe. They didn't indicate what kind of cancer patients they're looking at. Prostate? Lymphoma? Anyone know any more about this study?


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
I don't like the fact that they think it is possible that it won't be found amongst Russians, since it means any flawed methodology will be hidden by that belief.

I'd like to know of any other (life-long) virus which magically stops at international borders.


Admin Assistant
My little project for the day (hopefully I will feel better as the day wears on) is that I will translate sections or the whole of it. I am wishing that I still had a Cyrilic alphabet program on my computer, as I could then search for more info on the study (maybe this will be what pushes me to install it? but the idea of labeling my keyboard seems overwhelming)

Anyway, I was wondering if there were parts that were particularly unclear with the google translation, or if there were parts that seemed most important. As I will do those first if I cannot get through it all.

Garcia, this is probably a cultural denial that is similar to Russia's denial of HIV, for quite a long time it was felt that HIV could not possibly be present in the country...and by the time the government and medical system admitted it was, it was at epidemic proportions in some areas. It is really sad, and HIV+ people are still not getting the testing and services they need at a rate you would expect. I hope they do not repeat the same mistakes, but I share your fears.


Admin Assistant
WELL! when I said I would do the whole of it...I had no idea it's length! but I will do the most pertinent parts.
For starters if you are googling the investigators, what google translates as "alexander calm" and "alexander calmness" won't come up anywhere probably.

you may want to google "Alexander (or Aleksander) Shtil" or "Shtiil" or "Shteel" "Shtul"

The spellings are aproximations because there are sounds in the Cyrilic alphabet that aren't directly represented in the Roman alphabet.

as with names they won't change between alphabets, despite the fact that the last name has a "meaning" or a literal translation. This is a stupid example, but, like if your last name in English was "bear" it would probably be translated to Russian phonetically (that's soooo not spelled right) but if you were Russian and your last name was "bear" you would be Medvedev, like the president. The same thing goes for "calm" when it is a last name.

the other researchers name will translate not as "Eugene", but "Yevgeny Kandel" or "Yevgeni Kandel"

happy googling.

ETA- on further perusing, Eugene is an American researcher, He is therefore 100% "just" Eugene... sad cause I like the name Yevgeny.
see also (this is the same article on another website with a much funnier graphic...worth it for the graphics alone)

and put the next one through google translator and you will get a subpar rendering of another article that mentions XMRV, MLV and gene therapy, filled mostly with speculation but kind of interesting


Admin Assistant
" they want to determine how long XMRV became infected person. " as per google translator

better translates as "they want to determine how long ago XMRV was encountered by the infected person"

as per google "But the unambiguous answer to the question, what is a virus XMRV - cause or consequence of cancer, yet can not give"

as per Sarah " But as for the unambiguous answer to the question, what is the XMRV virus, a cause or a consequence of cancer?, for the time being there is no answer"

"We plan to examine the presence of the virus blood cells of cancer patients 100-200." this translation makes sense, but what the heck does that MEAN????

"I'm still less doubt that XMRV causes cancer: is it very similar to the virus that causes leukemia in mice. " is better as

"I still have little doubt, nevertheless, that XMRV causes cancer, it is very similar to the virus that causes leukemia in mice"

There! that was my mental exercise for the day, those were the only passages (directly related to the study) that were really screwey. Maybe later I will google the researchers...for now I am going back to resting, hope it helped.


Senior Member
Czech Republic, EU


Sarah, thanks so much for taking the time to put that into English. You're a gem!!

Sarahg was right. Wish it was smaller so I could make that my avatar. Check this out:



Admin Assistant
I love it! I was trying to remember how to bring up pictures, so thank you for remembering for me. (I always just get thumbnails), congrats on your new administrator status, by the way!

If there's anything else that seems unclear, let me know and I'll give it a try. I think Alesh is right that they are looking to try and see how long ago XMRV infected humans (as a species) not humans (as individuals)

Patient 2

Senior Member

"We plan to examine the presence of the virus blood cells of cancer patients 100-200." this translation makes sense, but what the heck does that MEAN????

The translation is this: We plan to examine the presence of virus cells in 100-200 cancer patients.


Admin Assistant
Thanks Patient 2, I'm out of practice... obvious confusion on my part. I actually was hoping that you would be the one to know the answer!