"On the question of hope and being 'misled'" I was referring specifically to my friend, who is spitting-nails angry right now.
"In the case of XMRV it was not necessarily wasted time and money. It has brought to light the very srong likelihood that HGRVs or
some human retrovirus is a major part of the immune disturbance in ME."
Actually, given that we now know that they were using 5AZA without reporting it (until the Ottowa conference, in a slide, apparently) we don't know, and cant know, if any of the alleged HGRV results are real.
That's why this is bad science. Not because it didn't work out - lots of good science doesn't work out. It's bad science because it was badly done and badly reported. If they were using 5AZA without telling anyone, and not doing proper controls, then it is possible, maybe likely, that much of the non-PCR results they have reported are simply an artifact of the 5AZA treatment. And they have admitted that they didn't think it was important to let us know about the 5AZA treatment, so we don't know, and we can't know.
JM has shown with the 'blind' results that she cant repeat her own PCR results unless she knows what the answer 'should' be. We know that she has been unwilling to let anyone else have access to her experimental materials to make independent tests for contamination. We know that she failed to reveal a key experimental detail, the 5AZA treatment, this we do know can cause exactly the kind of artifacts that she is reporting as results, and that in the one place she revealed that usage, she did not do the key control, for those artifacts.
Nothing she has done, it is now clear, can be trusted.
At this point, given these issues, nothing that JM has done or reported is credible evidence for any virus, XMLV or HGRV or otherwise.
BTW, I'm not commenting more on the PACE trial because I am not a clinician, and do not have the expertise to easily evaluate that work - and because it is completely irrelevant to the results of the alleged XMLV work. I am an (out of practice) molecular biologist and geneticist, and I do have enough expertise to easily and quickly understand these issues. What I see, each new emerging contaminant and changed label and changed interpretation and previously-unreported experimental detail, makes me really angry.