Rotation diet with limited foods


Senior Member

Curious if anyone has been in this situation?

Due to chronic gastritis my food options are very limited. Add to this the 'idea' that rotating foods every 4 days is meant to be beneficial to stop developing new food allergies and I am a bit stumped.

I only eat chicken, pork and fish. All veg. Potatoes, sweet potato and squash.

I now find myself struggling with fish.

I can't eat grains or eggs or cheese or red meat.

If anyone has faced this situation and has some ideas, I'd love to hear them.

I was trundling along doing fine but the gluten free sausages every night for dinner are bound to cause issues?!:confused:


Senior Member
I'm struggling with this myself right now but I'm chalking mine up to moving stress.
Do you have a list of safe foods that you know will calm your digestive tract ? For me that means putting up with blending my foods for a few days. Eating fresh papaya at every meal helps too. Pineapple and mangos have natural digestive enzymes too but for sonera reason i respond best to papaya.


Senior Member
I spent over a year being only able to eat plain cooked meat, no fish, a little white grains, plain salads and a little of veges (no sulphur) and a very little fruit (like berries) so I really do sympathise.

It was the same food and I didn't develop any further problems by not rotating them.

The cause was a stomach bug but the pathogen was never found this time (had lots of different things over time).

Over time it did get better and I could introduce more variety. It was boring but the consequences were too serious to ignore (stomach pain, violent diarrhoea etc)

If it is a allergy for you have you considered EPD which helped me previously with food allergies (diagnosed by skin prick and blood tests at a hospital).


Senior Member
@ukxmrv thanks for that - it makes me feel better! I can't eat any other foods without severe pain. It's part of the gastritis. I am apparently parasite free so trying to heal my gut without taking prescription drugs as I don't agree with them.

What is EPD?

@xchocoholic - I haven't been able to eat any fruit but haven't tried papaya. It is meant to be really good for your gut along with pineapple so I will give it a try. You can get digestive enzymes that contain them.

I take a natural beef pancreatic glandular with meals.


Senior Member
The papaya supplements never worked for me but the fruit does. I only need about 1/4 cup with meals for a couple of days when things get bad. I probably should just keep it in my diet tho since it works.
My food allergies got so bad that I ended up having IgG Food Allergy Test (96 foods) - the results were very interesting. My allergies are slowly resolving now that I've eliminated some and rotated on others. High histamine releasing foods can also be a bugger to a tricky stomach even if you haven't got an "allergy" to them.

Heartburn is my biggest gripe with food allergies and have to take Zantac every now and then to control it (even after having heartburn surgery 18months ago).
EPD made my allergies much worse. Dr Myhill gave it to me and I suppose that she could have done it wrong.
Everytime I see a immunogist they have no clue as to what EPD is and I can not find much in the way of serious maninsteam papers. Therefore if you get worse on EPD, doctors will have no idea on how to help you, unlike with mainstream allergy injections.

I gave up rotating foods a long time ago. I am on a narrow diet but eating the same thing everyday does not make things worse and I have stomach problems if I break my narrow diet.

I am suspicious about the science the rotation diet theory. If you can eat ground almonds or some kind of ground nuts you can use them instead of flour /conventional grains. All the nuts except peanuts are said to be quite nutritious. I suppose you could make a nut roast of sorts if you were allowed eggs.
Who is the person that put you on the rotation diet?
If it is a doctor or dietician then they should be giving more help if they are serious and know something on the subject.

I remember when Dr Myhill put me on a narrow rotation diet with very little information, I should have seen then that she was unskilled on the subject.

I don't mean to be rude but I really think you should phone the therapist that put you on this diet and if you can not contact them you should think again about trying this diet with them.
It just seems unfair to leave you asking for help on forums. I hope that doesn't offend but I had Dr Myhill and other dieticians do the same to me and I only see now that it was wrong of them. Either way I hope someone helps.
Maybe someone here will give better advice.