We are looking for participants to a study.
Physical and rehabilitation medical department of the University Hospital in North Norway is seeking participants for a study that examines whether Rituximab may be an effective treatment for CFS / ME. The study is conducted by five collaborating hospitals (Haukeland University Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Telemark Central Hospital Department Notodden, St. Olav's Hospital in Trondheim and the University Hospital of North Norway).
To participate in the study, you must be between 18 and 65, be diagnosed with a mild, moderate or severe ME, and have had symptoms of ME in 2-15 years (5-15 years if you have a mild degree ME). Patients who are bedridden can not participate in the study.
You have to have a diagnosis from a University Hospital or another hospital department that diagnoses patients with CFS / ME. The patient has to fulfill the Canada criteria. Other diseases that can cause symptoms must be excluded, and you may not have had a history of cancer or systemic treatment with immunosuppressive medicines.
Pregnancy preclude participation in the study and it must use effective contraception prior to initiation of treatment and the first 12 months after the last treatment, i.e the first 2 1/2 years after the start of treatment. Women who are breastfeeding can not participate in the study.
The study conducted with a double-blinded design, meaning that neither the patient nor the investigator knows whether the patient has received the active drug or placebo (an inactive substance believed). This will prevent the patient or the investigator's belief or lack of belief in the active drug affect the outcome of the study. This means that the chances are equally good that you get the inactive (placebo) as the active substance (rituximab) in the study. The treatment can cause side effects.
The study implies that you must keep a record of symptoms, your progress every other week throughout the study period (24 months.) With respect to disease symptoms and possible side effects of treatment. It shall also be conducted activity monitoring using a small bracelet (SenseWear) on the arm of the patient, in 7 consecutive days prior to the first infusion to monitor physical activity. The use of SenseWear will be repeated after 17 to 21 months.
It is desirable that patients do not use other medications (including herbal remedies) or treatments that can affect the symptoms of ME during the observation period (ie at least 2 years from start of treatment), without it being clarified with the responsible study physician. Medicines for other illness onset may be used when necessary, after review by a doctor. All medications you use at the start of treatment and changes in medications will be monitored.
At Universtiy Hospital of North Norway a total of 24 patients will participate in the study. If you are interested to attend, we ask you to consider whether you meet the above conditions. In addition, you must carry out regular filling of questionnaires and meet about 12 times over two years in Tromsø.
If this applies to you please contact the department's head Christoph Schäfer in 08.15.2014 by sending an e-mail
christoph.schaefer@unn.no or letter to
Physical and Rehabilitation Medical Branch v / Christoph Schäfer University Hospital of North Norway mailbox 1
9038 Tromsø
The email / letter should include how long you have been ill, when you were examined and contact with telephone number. We ask that in the first place is not attached to hospital records, or other confidential information. If there are more applicants than places in the study, a drawing between applicable patients will be held. Those who have previously approached our department or Department of Oncology at Haukeland hospital to participate in the study do not need to apply again.