Hey Yall, Well I am not as smart as all of you but I have been sick for 35 years and have reached complete disabled and livin on the couch.. Been diag with everything from RA, FM, CFS, EBV, Lupus, Lyme Disease, - and the list goes on... but ME was like reading a book written about ME... I found Dr. Kogelnick in Mountain View California and in my 35 years of seeing doctors he is by far the BEST doctor I have EVER seen... Not an arrogant jerk in his EGO... He is working with the Norwegians on their studies on Rituxan. I consulted with him and he really looks at CMV, Herpes viruses, EBV, HHV6 and NK cell function..which was all quite clear to him what was wrong with me and why I can hardly function. After reading what I could I made the decision to go for it with Rituxan. The drug is being covered for me on their patient program and I pay $1,050 per infusion. I have 6 over 15 months. I just had my first 2 days ago and it all went well - thank God!! Dr. Kogelnick has been meeting with the CDC and they are starting to take a real look at ME-CFS and I filled out their questionairre. Dr. K says there are 1 million diagnosed in US but he believes the more accurate # would be 4 million in US and 8 million worldwide!! He said when they started research they wondered if just Type A people got this illness because that was mainly what came to their office. Then it occured to him that it was the Type A's that just NEVER GIVE UP..and keep searching for an answer and finally found their way to his office. Thank God I am a Type A..and I feel so blessed to only live 4 hours from him as people are flying in from India, Norway, Canada, and Idaho, etc to get treatment bc they can be entered into the study! Dr. K explained to me that this is a intracellular infection of the B Cells. And as far as the rest that you all have been discussing I don't know. He also did mention that when the patent does run out there will be more inexpensive alternatives hopefully available by then. I am trying not to think too far in the future as I worry,, what if it really works....how the flip will I be able to afford to stay on it. I just can't go there right now... I am just glad I am moving in a forward direction and not suicidal and hopeless any more and feel like I can at least be a part of a possible solution or cure, for many generations to come. If you are all lookin for an AMAZING, CARING, Doctor that really understands this mess Dr. Kogelnick is the guy!!! I am so glad I found him. I will keep you posted on my progress! Jacque