I am very happy, very very happy, Rebecca, that you have been able to qualify you for another round of Rtx !
I discovered this evening your posts, that one where you said that you had a relapse, and this one, where you said you're going better again, thanks to Ritux!
I am happy for you, and your post where you explained your relapse when B cells began to return brought me tears to the eyes!
I wish you to improve again and again and again!
It's great that you have no more need the tube to feed you, now
I discovered this evening too, your symptoms improved, and ...I smiled ...
For my part, it is not exactly all the sames symptoms improved /on the same order of importance, but I admit it's disturbing to read you ... !!!
However, I understood that you had others autoimmune conditions in addition to M.E ... but not so much! (Nature has not been kind to you : - /, except for your sublime face, I did not believe your age, you're just superb!)
To give some news about my Rituximab's experience, I continue to answer to it, but the response's peak is (for now ???) behind me,i guess ... : - /.
I had a relapse phase in my response (not sure if you understood me, lol, it's already hard to express me in French, hehehe, so in English ...
) ... So, I had a "response down", (perhaps better said), after my 5th infusion ,because I had bronchitis, that I ascribe to Ritux (knowing me as immunocompromised because (thanks !!!) to Ritux ,I am enormously careful to not fall ill (wearing FFP2 masks, liters of hydro-alcoholic gel, etc.).
It was horror for me to see the slow return of some (not all) improved symptoms by Ritux, when I got this bronchitis, which it took three months to cured (thank you immunosuppression, arfff : -/, but bronchitis is a knowed pretty common side effect of Rtx)
I received in late January my last infusion of a gram of Ritux provided by the protocol, and I feel better again ...
Lord, I can not wait 2018 that official studies on the effectiveness of Ritux in ME will be published ......it is soooooo long for us...
Like Rebecca, I am very uncomfortable, to come here to say that Ritux help me, as I know from personal experience, as i had envy a lot ( envy, not jalousy ) for example, Dr. Maria Gjerpe who received Ritux (and she is now cured (totally !!!), and my heart is broken, to the idea of hurting any of you, guys ...
But I thought that I had to come and give some news ,to tell you to keep hope, and even write again "yes, Rituximab can help ME patients, even severe" ...
Take care xxx