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Rituxan & Pre-meds


Paradise, Ca
Paradise Ca
Well I made it to the snow today, I was pretty tried after finding and putting on all my winter clothes but recovered quickly and got to enjoy the snow !
Here are a couple of photos.....


  • snow merry xmas 3.jpg
    snow merry xmas 3.jpg
    134 KB · Views: 76
  • snow 1.jpg
    snow 1.jpg
    101.9 KB · Views: 72
  • snow 7.jpg
    snow 7.jpg
    142 KB · Views: 70


Senior Member
@Rebecca2z Great pictures and thank you for sharing them. You look radiant in the snow and are beautiful inside and out. I am so happy for you that you got to try RTX without the steroids and you continue to bring me hope. Am honored to call you a friend and thank you for all of your help along this journey.


Senior Member

Are you still doing well with rituxan? Would you say that your brain fog/concentration issues have been completely/mostly "cured" by the rituximab treatments?

Thank you,

Vancouver, WA
I hope you're doing well. I have been looking into EBV and subjects related to EBV. I was tested and discovered that I was having a reactivation of EBV. A year ago it was discovered that spironolactone had an antiviral activity for EBV; it interrupts the viral assembly process mid-way. To me, this has a potential as a source of a more competent antibody response. I have been taking spironolactone and it seems to be having some effect, but because EBV turns white blood cells into immortal cells, the partially assembled viral capsid can't be released into the bloodstream to allow the antibody response. So, I'm going to look for a way to get a Rituximab treatment to take after I've taken a course of spironolactone in the hopes that the Rituximab will release the partial capsids and prompt an antigen response.