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Rifaximin and probiotics

Hi All,

Just a quick one. I've started a course of Rifaximin at 200mg four times a day. Given the frequency of the schedule, is there any point in taking a probiotic at the same time?


Senior Member
Virginia, USA
I've started a course of Rifaximin at 200mg four times a day. Given the frequency of the schedule, is there any point in taking a probiotic at the same time?

This dosage seems "small" compared to the one used on Rifaximin clinical trial. Are you using it for IBS-D? Anyway, everytime I take antibiotics, I always take Saccharomyces boulardii as prevention against Clostridium difficile infection.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi All,

Just a quick one. I've started a course of Rifaximin at 200mg four times a day. Given the frequency of the schedule, is there any point in taking a probiotic at the same time?

I will start a course of Rifaxamin soon and while I'll take Saccharomyces boulardii at the same time, my doc said to start the VSL-3 the day after I finish.



Senior Member
Hi All,

Just a quick one. I've started a course of Rifaximin at 200mg four times a day. Given the frequency of the schedule, is there any point in taking a probiotic at the same time?

Hi Gary,

I have taken 400 mg Rifaxamin QID for two weeks with each recurrence of SIBO (distinguished by the development of upper GI gas - burping, etc. that accompanies the other IBS symptoms) since 2009 (about every 3-4 months). My Gastro has recommended that I take one tablet of Florastor (Saccharomyces boulardii lyo) BID at all times, both during and after the Xifaxan. I've had the same question. Am I simply wasting money by taking a probiotic while on a strong anti-biotic? The bottom line is that I don't know but it does not appear to have caused any problems.

Notably, I started taking Equilibrant in October, 2011, to hopefully get my enterovirus infection under control (Rx'd by Dr. Chia - positive stomach biopsy and ARUP antibody tests). I've been on Equilibrant now for nearly eight months and not a single bout of SIBO since I started. It's been nice to be able to stop taking (or at the very least, significantly reduce my need for) an anti-biotic (and not an inexpensive one).


Senior Member
I don't remember where I read it now, but it was mentioned somewhere that it was best to take probiotics during(and after perhaps), not just after, antibiotic treatment.


My doc says it is essential to take a probiotic from day one of taking xifaxan. You have to separate the doses of antibiotic and probiotic by at least 2 hours, ideally 3. That way the probiotics do successfully form colonies in the gut.
If you do this, you'll get better results than you do just taking xifaxan alone and probiotics after.

Also, beware of using yeast based probiotics, as many people have intolerances to them. If you know you are fine, then OK, but be careful. Also, I know one person who got a systemic fungal infection from taking florastor. It's not good to take it alone, you need some bacteria with it.
I have had clostridium difficile BTW. Heed my advice!!!!