I have had about 30 or more treatments using "Primal Reflex Relief Technique" by John Iams. This therapy concentrates on the Dura that surrounds the brain and down into the body. It is most helpful for pain, muscle spasms, mobility, and even mood. The premise involves the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS- Parasympathetic is rest/digest and Sympathetic is fight/flight). PRRT rebalances the ANS and returns the levels of Para and Sympathetic back to normal. It is an odd looking technique but has a great deal of medical and scientific background to it. And, for me - it works. I walked into the office in so much pain with pain meds no longer working and unable to stand up straight. The first gentle treatment helped. The second treatment blew my mind as I walked out of the office, got in the car and realized that I felt the best I had in many years. I was calm but awake and alert - and felt happily normal. I go back for "tune ups" esp. when I have the horrid spasms in my neck/shoulders and lower back.
As part of the PRRT they have you close your eyes and make "circle 8's". Your eyes are circling and for the first bit you feel like there is a blockage that won't let the eye(s) move past a certain point. But you keep moving the closed eyes in the circle 8 fashion and the "stuck" part goes away. This seems to calm the brain down and sometimes help with headaches.
There are a number of other "odd" looking things that PRRT does but they seem to work on people whose ANS is badly out of whack. The therapy place I go to now uses PRRT heavily and has moved away from the more traditional PT, except of course, in the cases where the traditional physical PT is needed. in people with FM or CFIDS and other ANS issues, PRRT helps. It really helps me with pain, spasms, etc.
I am now going through a brain-wave therapy called "Low Energy Neurofeedback System". The brain waves are mapped and then “The map will show connectivity problems—sites that are under-connected and over-connected... Based on the map, the practitioner will treat four brain sites per session with radio frequencies, produced by a machine to which the patient is hooked up. The radio frequencies will gently stimulate those areas that are sluggish, and will take the edge off high-frequency sites. “Most of the session is spent talking to the patient about whether the last treatment improved symptoms,”
I have only just started this program and will see if it works. It is supposed to help with CNS/ANS problems so we shall see. My first LENS brain map showed a large dark area in the midline brain. According to the developers of this system, that midline dark area is a "viral signature". I have also taken the Qeeg test and will get results back next week. On my first LENS mapping there was also another dark area in the left frontal lobe. The tech did not know what it was. Or quite possibly, she did have an idea of what it was but was NOT going to tell me or scare me but rather let the whole tests go through the main therapist and then on to a neurologist for review.
I have emailed the people that developed LENS and asked about this "viral signature" and if they provide me with decent information will send it off to WPI. My husband and I also plan on having the XMRV test done given that I (and possibly he as well, results not back yet) are showing that viral signature. This information may be helpful to WPI because it may help them pinpoint the area in the brain where a virus is located (midline brain).
Sorry about the disjointed rambling. Didn't sleep well and had to get up and move around. Will respond better after I get more "real" sleep.