Retroviruses Causing Diseases


Senior Member
Bay Area, California
This article is a good read about XMRV and other retroviruses and the diseases they may cause or do cause:

Some highlights:

Researchers have known for quite some time now that retroviruses are present in certain vaccines. Vaccines are a multibillion dollar industry.

In 1996 the Swiss National Center for Retroviruses questioned the safety of live-virus vaccines. This organization found certain live chicken-cell derived vaccines (such as the MMR vaccine) contaminated with avian (bird) retroviral particles. However, they were not sure at that time whether or not these retroviral particles would cause disease in humans. (4) What they had concluded in 1996 was that they did not know if using chicken cells for vaccine manufacturing was safe or not.

Some readers are unfamiliar with the fact that most vaccines are currently cultured in eggs. In my last article entitled, FDA Approved H1N1 Vaccines Contain Ingredients Known to Cause Cancer and Death I conclusively show that vaccine manufacturers are using chicken eggs to produce the current H1N1 vaccine. Will the FDA and CDC test the novel H1N1 vaccine to insure retroviruses are absent? It seems that there would be a real possibility they would be present in the vaccine, does it not?

When you inject foreign ingredients, such as bovine serum (cow blood), monkey kidney tissue, chick kidney cells, human serum albumin (protein from human blood), mouse serum protein (protein from mouse blood), or MCR-5 (cells from aborted fetal tissue) directly into your arm or thigh, what exactly are the side effects? (6) Does it make you healthier? We are assured that it does.

Perform a thorough search online (to include peer-reviewed medical journals) for any type of chronic disease that you are wondering about. Make sure that you include the word retrovirus in that same search field. You will be amazed that retroviruses have been implicated in or have even proven to cause many different diseases. Search further to discover that there are countless articles in these same peer-reviewed medical journals involving vaccine research and development in the area of you guessed it retroviruses. The madness doesnt stop there because gene therapy is also being studied. So, what does the scientific community know and what arent they telling the public?


Allergy Shots

That's a very interesting, and scary article Teejkay.

I had allergy shots for 20 years and it makes me wonder what was in the serum. I had shots for cats, dogs, horses etc. and I assume the serum contained fluids (protein) from these animals. This was back in the 1960's so I am sure the serum wasn't synthetically produced at that time. Is the serum live, or dead.

Also, when I was young I couldn't get a tetanus shots because the serum came from horses and I was extremely allergic to horses. I understand that the horse serum is no longer used.

What would happen if the allergy serum came from a cat with feline leukemia?

Another point....I remember having allergy testing conducted where they scratch your skin with an allergin to see if you get a reaction. I member at the age of 6 getting over 200 scratches done (they had to use my arms and llegs as well as my back).

Does anyone know what is in the allergy serum?



Scary stuff

This would make more sense in how humans acquired a mouse related retrovirus, or a monkey virus.....though vaccination. The polio vacine too has been implicated in possible contamination issues. Sorry I dont have a source for that...came from a book I read, The Virus Within, which talks about HHV6 research. (2000).

It's all very intriguing that this could be what's been going on.

Thanks for sharing.



Senior Member
Bay Area, California
Liberty, that is frightening. Wouldn't it be weird too, if some of us got CFS from a cat scratch? The possibilities are endless really. We're learning so much more now than ever about retroviruses.