Retrovirus Conference in Prague, April 29-May 4, 2010



Since this is allowed, could the post from yesterday be replaced? It was amazing and it had some information in it I really needed for my infectious disease doctor. Whaddya say?

I,m really not sure what was posted yesterday.we have to be very careful not to prejudice publiction in any way.If it had been benign then Dr whittmore would not have asked that it be removed.i think it would be wise to check with the wpi before reposting .it would probably be best to wait untill after the poster session


Señor Mumbler
I,m really not sure what was posted yesterday.we have to be very careful not to prejudice publiction in any way.If it had been benign then Dr whittmore would not have asked that it be removed.i think it would be wise to check with the wpi before reposting .it would probably be best to wait untill after the poster session

Well said Gerwyn. Cort's words above helped me understand the issue a little better. We need to honor this integrity to ensure the WPI's publication can provide us the maximum benefit.

We ask that no one post this again as the mods will just have to remove it (for the third time). Cort took this seriously enough to delete the abstract without reading it himself - and I know how badly he wanted to.

Otis (forum tech)

Sorry Stone.


Senior Member
Okaaay. I'll wait. Wait for it........ And I didn't realize the request for removal came from whence it came. So that's fine. I've been waiting this long, so no biggie. A wise person once said, "You got to know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em" And an even wiser person said, "To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the skies."
I'm just an impatient patient today.
No worries,


Patient in training
Thank you for removing it and respecting the requests from Andrea (and WPI). We don't want to jeopardize the chances of publication and we really want to knock the socks off them scientists.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Group Photograph (Prague Retrovirus Conference) A proud moment for all CFS sufferers!

I just had to post this,

A group photo from the Prague retrovirus conference, I'm so proud to see Dr Mikovits standing there in the front right, did any of us ever think we would see the day that *CFS* would make it to a conference like this. (We still have a long way to go but after all those years of being mistreated, we are being listened to!)

A great photo *3 cheers for Dr Mikovits!!!!* we are all so PROUD of you! :D



Senior Member
thanks for posting i need this today - we aren't bein taken seriously by everyone yet, but we are gettin there.


Senior Member
I thought it was Coffin too.
Not sure about Silverman. Don't have his body shape fixed in my mind yet. :ashamed:

Dr. Yes

Shame on You
Ruscetti well ventilated his annoyance over what he calls the "whisper campaign" about contamination. For according to the Nijmegen Dutch researchers, the Americans have blood samples contaminated or polluted. Ruscetti may include the support of Prof. Dr. John Coffin, both linked to the NCI as at Tufts University in Boston. He is considered one of the most prominent retrovirologen world.

"People have raised the issue of contamination," said Coffin. "But nothing is known about at the moment. There is no proof. Much of the research is done at the NCI, in the laboratory of Francis and Sandra Ruscetti. They have a long experience with these viruses and are very cautious. "

Coffin emphasized again that doing a replication study implies that the exact same manner. "None of the negative studies have been published so far, the virus is grown," said Coffin. "Only in the Science study has been done, and that is a very strong point."

I would mention how nice it is to hear from Ruscetti and to see Coffin remaining steadfastly supportive, especially about the culture issue, but all that has been well ventilated.

Researchers from Nijmegen missing at this leading conference.
They were afraid of contamination.

XMRV (and blood transfusion) follow. This is the website of the Congressional Food & Psyche, which this year will be devoted entirely to ME / CFS.

"Congressional Food & Psyche"?​


Senior Member
Excellent stuff. We will definitely get answers with these guys supporting proper research.


Senior Member
This objection also applies to a still

unpublished German study, which was not XMRV found in blood samples from CFS-patinten.

Oh no. I've been eagerly awaiting the results of the new German study and now it looks like they haven't been able to find it AGAIN. It's something of a consolation that Ruscetti and Coffin apparently regard this one as in line with the other 3 negative studies, i.e. not to be taken seriously, but it will be another blow. Hopefully there will be some good news to counteract this soon!


Oh no. I've been eagerly awaiting the results of the new German study and now it looks like they haven't been able to find it AGAIN. It's something of a consolation that Ruscetti and Coffin apparently regard this one as in line with the other 3 negative studies, i.e. not to be taken seriously, but it will be another blow. Hopefully there will be some good news to counteract this soon!

The german study is not new.They have just used a simple PCR like Groom and Mclure and the Dutch cowboys and suprise suprise they could not find it.Add in agood dose of psych patients for good measure.Again no attempt made to replicate the WPI merhodology.Coffin highly critical of german approach.Rep[resenting an old study and implying that it is new when 98% of it already published is not acceptable.hohn had already gone on record as saying there was no xmrv in Germany.They have also pressented the study with the original wording of the conclusion changed.I have emailed the WPI to alert them of this.Hopefully they can make this known before the conference ends! If any one can contact Judy M directly please phone her


Senior Member
BMJ needs to now "come clean". Admit they should not have published the research, and provide accurate information to their readers.