Very interesting. Did you get the whole panel tested like I did? What were the numbers?I have a1 and m4 antibodies and my dysautonomia specialist raised my dose of Mestinon to 60mg a day from 30. I am no longer dizzy and have trouble standing for periods of time. I'm not sure GWI patienrs are anything like me.
If you are really sensitive to tnings, do you also have MCAS?
Also even if there are these antibodies I believe the root of the problem can still be in the neck and testing for craniocervical instability and similar condition s is important which I will do. MRI upright with flexion extension and rotation and viewed by neursurgeon familiar with the condition or neuroradiologist familiar with it.
The body may be creating these antibodies to compensate to block the receptors or confused. Everybody has them so the body produces them, but elevated shows malfunction.
I don't know if I have MCAS but very familiar with it and thought I might. No deadly reactions though.