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Results of my second panel bloodwork since diagnosis.

Pittsburgh PA
I hope your all staying safe and are finding time to laugh and love. I have the results of bloodwork and Im happy to say "progress". The EBV has improved but I am fighting the Parvovirus still. Parvo aka Fifth's disease, can leave you feeling flu like and fatigued. I also still am dealing with Inflammation that the range grew. I am still receiving treatment for these issues. The treatment and side affects have been extremely difficult. I still dont know how I'll come out of this but I can say that the fatigue and brain fog have lifted. I just cant nail down fully my thought/feeling because Im still in the thick of this. My next appointment is mid June, here's praying for more improvement. If anyone would like to review my bloodwork results in Nov/20 and March/21, they are telling, I will provide them
Pittsburgh PA
I'm glad you're getting some answers @Shelly21b. It sounds like your doctor is willing to work with you which is nice.
Judee, took 15 years to find a knowledgable doctor. I owe him my life and I thank my lucky stars. I'm making dietary changes also that I know will assist in improving my quality of life, health and well being. I pray all on this site can and will find answers they so desperately need. Until then, thank you and for providing us a safe, non judgemental place to seek support and information.