Some extracts I found interesting from the main paper under discussion (no minutiae as such):
Restricted Replication of Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-Related Virus in Pigtailed Macaques
Gregory Q. Del Prete1, Mary F. Kearney2, Jon Spindler2, Ann Wiegand2, Elena Chertova1, James D. Roser1, Jacob D. Estes1, Xing Pei Hao1, Charles M. Trubey1, Abigail Lara1, KyeongEun Lee2, Chawaree Chaipan2, Julian W. Bess, Jr.1, Kunio Nagashima3, Brandon F. Keele1, Rhonda Pung4, Jeremy Smedley4, Vinay K. Pathak2, Vineet N. KewalRamani2, John M. Coffin2,6, and Jeffrey D. Lifson1*
1. ...These findings indicate that XMRV replication and spread were limited in pigtailed macaques, predominantly by APOBEC-mediated hypermutation. Given that human APOBEC proteins restrict XMRV infection in vitro, human XMRV infection, if it occurred, would be expected to be characterized by similarly limited viral replication and spread...
2. In 2006, Urisman and coworkers identified sequences from a novel gammaretrovirus in an analysis of human prostate tumor tissues using a Virochip DNA microarray and named the new virus xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) due to its high sequence identity with xenotropic murine leukemia viruses (X-MLV) (64). Although several follow up studies described findings interpreted as evidence of XMRV infection in up to 27% of prostate cancer patients and up to 4% of healthy prostate controls using PCR (3, 9, 11, 54), immunohistochemistry (54), and fluorescence in situ hybridization (3) on prostate tissues, as well as anti-XMRV serum neutralization assays (3), the majority of studies detected little or no evidence for XMRV infection in either prostatic tumors or healthy controls, raising questions about the authenticity of human XMRV infection and what role, if any, XMRV might play in prostate cancer (1, 2, 15, 23, 50, 56, 61)
3. Although there is a growing consensus that evidence for XMRV infection in human samples is more likely the result of contamination than genuine in vivo infection, the fact remains that XMRV is a novel replication-competent retrovirus of unknown pathogenic potential once implicated in the etiology of several human diseases...'
4. '...Given uncertainties about the capacity of XMRV to cause human disease as well as the potential target cell tropism, tissue distribution, in vivo replication capacity and sequence evolution of the virus, and elicited antiviral immune responses, we infected two pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) with a well-characterized 22Rv1-produced XMRV stock. We conducted these studies with two primary goals.
First, we sought to generate bona fide in vivo derived positive control samples for PCR, RT-PCR, and serology assays performed on clinical samples (10, 28).
Second, we aimed to comprehensively examine the natural history of in vivo XMRV infection in a primate host, evaluating levels and kinetics of replication, viral sequence changes, cell and tissue tropism, and cellular and humoral antiviral immune responses.'
5. 'We show here that XMRV replication in pigtailed macaques is restricted, with limited, transient viremia associated with the accumulation of extensive G-to-A hypermutation in cell-associated viral DNA. In spite of limited viral replication, humoral immune responses to the virus were relatively robust and stable, while innate immune responses were transient and adaptive cellular immune responses were negligible.
6. 'Although based on accumulating results, the proposed association of XMRV infection with human disease as well as evidence of any authentic human XMRV infection appear increasingly unlikely, the virus itself is a replication-competent retrovirus of unknown pathogenic potential that is capable of infecting human cells (7, 11, 47).'
7. 'Given the lack of any confirmed positive cases of human XMRV infection (29, 58), the in vivo replication capacity, sequence evolution, tissue tropism, and elicited immune responses associated with XMRV infection are unknown and it is unclear what results using a variety of direct and indirect detection methods might be expected in the setting of authentic XMRV infection.'
8. 'Information about the natural history of XMRV infection and host immune responses to the virus would provide a framework to help interpret results suggesting evidence of human XMRV infection. In the absence of any known human infection, animal models must be relied upon to provide this information.'
9. 'To address these questions in a non-human primate species, we intravenously infected two adult male pigtailed macaques with >1010 XMRV virions, an inoculum which likely exceeds by many orders of magnitude any viral inoculum that might be involved in a physiological human transmission.'
10. 'Despite this large viral inoculum, XMRV replicated only transiently to relatively low peak levels in both animals, achieving peak plasma viral loads ? 2,200 RNA copies/ml that declined to undetectable levels within 4 weeks of infection.'
11. 'This decline in viremia was associated with striking levels of G-to-A hypermutation in PBMC-associated vDNA, likely reflective of APOBEC-mediated viral restriction.'
12. 'Although plasma viremia was brief, within the first 2-4 weeks of infection both animals raised robust anti-XMRV antibody responses primarily directed towards p15ETM, p30CA, and gp70SU that were largely maintained up 550 to 119 days post-infection.'
13. 'In addition to these binding antibody responses, neutralizing antibodies were also elicited within the first two weeks of infection and maintained through the studys conclusion.'
14. 'In contrast, innate immune responses in lymph nodes were only transiently upregulated in the first week of infection and rapidly diminished to baseline levels by two weeks post-infection, while adaptive T cell responses were essentially negligible in ICS format assays using whole XMRV virions or purified recombinant XMRV proteins as stimuli.'
Continued (sorry)