I am still so confused! Still having trouble trying to figure out what to try and what to avoid.
I am feeling like the Align (B.
infantis) is proving helpful. So is the prebiotic FiberAid (LAG). Those I believe are key for me.
S. boulardii was seemingly well tolerated except for increasing the constipation. No surprise there as it is a remedy for the opposite problem. Mutaflor also seemed to be in the ok category. Whether it was doing anything, I'm not sure. I was taking the pill form.
Prescript-Assist is the only SBO I've tried. Both times I took it I got a horrible migraine. Not sure whether that means I should stop completely or if it is just too strong and I need to wait until other remedies improve things.
In the past couple days, I added Organic Kefir. Not the do-it-yourself type. A bottled version from the local health food store. This brand is made on a farm in Ontario that does everything from milking the cow to putting the finished product on a truck.
It is definitely powerful stuff. I have been taking 3tbsp each day, with some fresh strawberries mixed in to improve the flavour. The first 2 days felt awful but feeling better today. I'm not sure when to take it though.
Is it okay to take it at the same time as the LAG, or would some of the enzymes in the Kefir eat my prebiotic (LAG)? Obviously that is not what I want!
I'd like to take another prebiotic but there is so much conflicting info I don't know whether to try FOS or inulin or not. If anyone has done a lot of research on either and can run down the pros and cons, I'd appreciate it.