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Research on chinese medicine, practice?

southeast asia
I have read a lot on this matter but it is still unclear and controversial.
Im still curious..

Are western science based researchers/doctors do many research on this matter? i usually see papers produed by traditional health practitioners. So i cant find.

Because of covid19 TCM becomes more popular,

but im still unsure how to decide wether a chinese medicine recommend by people can effectively work and how? Because the research is limited and only done by traditional practitioners.

Also some of them promote the qi, meredian idea which not accepted by modern science? So im confused

opinion from people with more scientific knowledge?


Senior Member
I'm using Traditional Chinese Medicine to great effect. :D

Also some of them promote the qi, meredian idea which not accepted by modern science? So im confused

I think it's a primitive understanding, but what do I know? I use Pulse oximetry to monitor my condition, yet I simply confirm the observations of my TCM practitioner. :_

Early detection of COVID-19
Pulse oximeters are used to help with the early detection of COVID-19 infections, which may cause initially unnoticeable low arterial oxygen saturation and hypoxia. The New York Times reported that "health officials are divided on whether home monitoring with a pulse oximeter should be recommended on a widespread basis during Covid-19. Studies of reliability show mixed results, and there’s little guidance on how to choose one. But many doctors are advising patients to get one, making it the go-to gadget of the pandemic."[53]


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Bastyr University does a lot of research into Chinese medicine and finding the science behind it and applying it to medical care. They publish papers on their findings. My naturopathic doctor did a fellowship at the US NIH doing research on mushrooms and cancer.

GreenMedInfo is a great source of info and references research on various treatments.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I use Traditional Chinese Herbs almost exclusively and have for- oh at least 15 years or more.

I go to an Expert highly trained herbalist. I follow his prescriptions. I don't prescribe herbs to myself. He studied for many years. He writes books on the topic.

Research into specific herbs is interesting but not really directly pertinent. Herbs are synergistic. Isolating some "active ingredient" is a western science concept. Herbs interact, and they interact in the body in question.

My practicioner knows my body very well.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@kisekishiawase I've used acupuncture and TCM off and on through the years, before and after ME. A year ago I was having weekly acu sessions, partly for low blood pressure, and I was having difficulty resolving some burns. The acu referred me to a TCM herbalist.

I've been so fortunate, that I'm grateful I got those burns. This practitioner has really shifted my baseline. I wouldn't rely on anything other than a personal practitioner, who checks my pulses approx monthly, and otherwise renews the formula based on my symptom reports. My recovery/resilience has improved, and I feel much more stable. The ME itself has not shifted, but I'm much better able to deal with daily life. His formulas are mixtures of granular stuff, no cooking up pots of tea. good luck.

PS...these herbs are in addition to my broad array of vits, minerals, aminos.