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Research Document - Anybody Knows What It Is?


Senior Member
This document keeps coming back to haunt me. Can one of the scientific minds here please take a look at this and tell me what it actually represents.

It's the very last page and easy to quickly scroll to in this latest patent application from Mikovits/Lombardi/Ruscetti's. Apparently this is a phylogenetic tree and it lists 28 entities subdivided into different categories. Do you think this indicates that they've discovered 28 different variants of X and P ????

If not, what does it represent? If you honestly don't know, please say so.


Sam Carter

This document keeps coming back to haunt me. Can one of the scientific minds here please take a look at this and tell me what it actually represents.

It's the very last page and easy to quickly scroll to in this latest patent application from Mikovits/Lombardi/Ruscetti's. Apparently this is a phylogenetic tree and it lists 28 entities subdivided into different categories. Do you think this indicates that they've discovered 28 different variants of X and P ????

If not, what does it represent? If you honestly don't know, please say so.


I honestly don't know (for sure, at least) but from reading the patent the phylogenetic tree at the end of the document is to demonstrate that the fully-sequenced viral isolates found by the WPI do not cluster with mouse endogenous retroviruses and are therefore not lab contaminants.

from p57

[0270] To exclude the possibility of detecting
a murine leukemia virus (MLV) laboratory
contaminant, the phylogenetic relationship
among endogenous (non-ecotropic) MLV sequences,
XMRV sequences, and sequences for CFS subjects
1104,1106 and 1178 was determined.


[0272] Results showed that XMRV sequences from
the CFS subjects clustered with the XMRV
sequences from prostate cancer cases and formed
a branch distinct from non-ecotropic MLVs
common in inbred mouse strains (see e.g. FIG 13).

[0273] Thus, the virus detected in the CFS
subjects' blood samples is unlikely to be a


Senior Member
Oh Sam - Thank you. That now makes sense.

Tonight I zeroed in on page 11 where it states:

"[0047] Fig. 13 is diagram depicting the phylogenetic relationship among endogenous (non-ecotropic) MLV sequences, XMRV sequences, and sequences from CFS subjects 1104, 1106, and 1178. Further details regarding methodology are provided in Example 21."

So you've put the whole puzzle together here for me.

Thanks again!


Senior Member
Gee - thanks Merry.

Are we likely to see more of those turnip little cuties soon?


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Gee - thanks Merry.

Are we likely to see more of those turnip little cuties soon?

I can't tell you how I'm flattered to have my name linked with "turnip little cuties." But helen41, the creator of the videos, is the one you'll have to ask. When I myself asked Helen about what the future was likely to hold for the turnips, she responded, "Compost."


Senior Member
Obviously I'm confused - sorry Merry. Seems I remember your name as being a major cheerleader though.