Reoccurring chickenpox and shingles.


Senior Member
Hi @Wayne....thanks. My outbreaks were just before the anti-virals were commonly used and I never had prednisone, but I did take large amounts of lysine...kept it in my system 24 hrs./day.

I don't believe I've ever been more miserable in my life. Most doctors couldn't identify it, but my neurologist did immediately. Trust me when I tell you that things were so bad that for some odd reason I ended up on a mental ward for about a week or so. No, it wasn't the worst thing that ever happened to me and kept me moving and attending classes. This is how it plays with the nervous system and leaves you with the most incredible panic disorder ever. My outbreaks were in different places along my spinal cord, not my face, eyes, etc., thank goodness. That is one underestimated disease and left me pretty well bedridden for a year or so. Just one wave after the other.

Even my husband was rather impressed with this and the misery it caused. We both went for the vaccine (although no doctor along the way suggested it afterwards). Finally a new one came out...and it's something like 95 per cent accurate. We got that one just before COVID hit. I'll tell you that it was years before I could even hear that word before having an anxiety attack and hope to never have it again.

FYI, it's more common and worse as we age. The first attack, years earlier when I was about 30, wasn't bad...the later ones were unbearable. I was alone, Rod was traveling during that time and he finally quit work to help me (he was past retirement age anyway & continued to do consulting). I did listen to the ozone therapy part of youtube and thank you for thinking of me. I still have neuralgias from it, and was allergic to everything. My hair was washed with Ivory Soap only...when I wasn't too weak. hope you're doing well. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I don't believe I've ever been more miserable in my life. Most doctors couldn't identify it, but my neurologist did immediately. Trust me when I tell you that things were so bad that for some odd reason I ended up on a mental ward for about a week or so. No, it wasn't the worst thing that ever happened to me and kept me moving and attending classes. This is how it plays with the nervous system and leaves you with the most incredible panic disorder ever. My outbreaks were in different places along my spinal cord, not my face, eyes, etc., thank goodness. That is one underestimated disease and left me pretty well bedridden for a year or so. Just one wave after the other.

Hi @lenora -- Your vivid descriptions of how miserable your recurring shingles episodes were for you is what reminds me to send along potential treatment for shingles when I run across them. The description in your above paragraph is actually very similar to an experience I had after taking a single dose of an anti-nausea medication called Promethazine.

One of the "side effects" was psychotic episodes. I lived "on the edge" for many months during that whole ordeal (5 years ago). It's easy for me to see how extreme physical issues can cause all kinds of panic, anxiety, and so much more. You strike me as being stronger for your own ordeal. Would you agree?


Senior Member
Totally stronger emotionally, but it does take time to get over. I keep being told what a strong person I am, but boy, am I ever tested. I just found out that my sister is facing lung cancer in addition to a serious form of leukemia she has been fighting. I feel like I've been whacked on the head by a 2" x 4", or something akin to that. She's my last sister, out of 5 of us and I barely have 1 brother left. The others were all one death after the other....fairly young ages, too. I still want to pick up the phone and call them. I think grief comes and goes, and we're taken along with it. I may be OK again in a few mos.

So you also had a serious go-around of being in the psychotic world? Terrible, isn't it?....but now we understand something that we wouldn't/couldn't have before.

@Wayne, please remember that I'm a terrible insomniac when you do your wanderings through cures for difficult matters. Just a good night's sleep would be heavenly. Escape it all. Thanks. Yours, Lenora P.S. I've been through the usuals....vitamins, herbal, etc., nothing works and I've tried a few times.


Senior Member
Back on the glutamate trail for stubborn postherpetic neuralgia.

Over the past decades, accumulating evidence has demonstrated a pivotal role of glutamate in pain sensation and transmission, supporting glutamate receptors as promising potential targets for pain relieving drug development. Glutamate is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain.

Bacon, which I was eating when I first came down with shingles....high glutamate.

I am now thinking that even foods that are high in glutamic acid can cause glutamate issues for some people.

Hopefully this study will have some good information because at this point I don't know what I am going to eat.

Potential protective roles of phytochemicals on glutamate-induced neurotoxicity: A review