I honestly think that in docs on mainstreet in US, they are much more likely to misdiagnose someone as having depression when they actually have CFS. Now, maybe Reeves' broad definition became a problem in research and in statistics.
But I had a doctor tell a friend of mine that fibromyalgia is actually depression of the body. And another doctor told me he didn't believe CFS or FM were organic illnesses. He told me I had a "different kind of depression" and prescribed anti-depressants.
Without the Internet, I would have been completely lost, led astray.
How many others are having this problem and just have not found the right doctor yet, the one that knows and can accurately distinguish between depression and CFS.
I love that when I told my current doctor of this past experience, she looked shocked. "You're not depressed." I told her, "I know." She just shook her head. She hears me talk of the things I am doing, when I can and the things I wish I could do.
This thread did make me laugh. It is an example of our cognitive problems. Memory, crossed wires and unable to learn anything that takes steps of action.
On the note on the bad science, you will only find something if you are looking for it. You look for a virus, you will find it. You look for psychological, you will find it. This is also in politics. I see what I want to see because the only information I take in are those I agree with, meaning they only confirm my previous beliefs. Nothing new is learned because I previously filtered out all information to the contrary, because that is not what I want to see. So I find the evidence to support my beliefs. This happens with detectives in a criminal case. They form an opinion early, and only look for and collect evidence that supports their belief. Unless contrary evidence slaps them on the head, they don't see it. How many innocent have ended up in prison?
This is very human.
And I believe all of this goes back to Incline Village (at least for US CDC and the results from that). Absent a clear cause, the "enlightened", the ones who came out and did the investigation, drew conclusions and an institutional paradigm of CDC and NIH was set. Only evidence that slaps them in the face would change that. And they set the tone for medical education and therefore doctors and government policy.
Remember, according to Osler's Web, before they even came out to Incline Village, they were prejudiced by the comments of the local health department guy.
As for UK and the world, although UK had ME, they welcomed CFS as a way to not be ignorant and impotent when patients came begging for answers. Men do not like to say "I don't know," especially doctors, especially when it is women coming and asking them. So, the US CFS trend gave them a way to lift their heads, not to mention the psycho folks becoming "experts" and gaining lots of patients.