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Remdesivir, is there any online pharmacy, where we can buy currently remdesivir?

I checked many sources, but I didn't find any place, I mean online pharmacy where I can buy remdesivir. Maybe you could suggest something, if you have an idea please let me know. I think it would be useful for others too. I do not trust any promoted vaccination without any real and comprehensive scientific testing and evidence, regarding dna mutations for current and next generation too.


Senior Member
I saw a generic "Corovir" in Ukrainian pharmacies through internet search, in stock for 150$ 100mg vials, no idea if it's as effective as the original product. Chances of it being sold in online pharmacies is pretty high, thou a duckduckgo search doesn't yield much results.

Some other indian pharma companies that supposedly make generics: Health Biotech, Hetero Labs, Eskayef, Bruck
Thank you for the links. Now the question is, which is from them I can trust. Did you or anyome else ordered already from one of these shops?


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
and what about favipiravir? Seems to be out of stock in msny pharmacies. Any suggestion?

You probably wouldn't want to bother with favipiravir.
It requires very very high doses to have an effect, and there might be serious liver dysfunction at those doses.


Senior Member
GS-441524 (the parent nucleoside of Remdesivir) is supposed to be superior to Remdesivir (RDV)

If you're interested in GS-441524, pls message me.

GS-441524: like Remdesivir, but better, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) inhibitor, broad spectrum RNA virus inhibitor. Dr Chia has used Remdesivir in ME/CFS recently w/ great success.

GS is safer than RDV, and it's oral, not IV...


Senior Member
Looks like we have another amazing trial going on!

22 people w/ ME/CFS or LC will use GS-441524 (parent nucleoside of Remdesivir) oral dose, starting around mid to late December.

Most will prob start late Dec.. some may start earlier. And most are doing this in combo w/ Peginterferon Lambda 1a.

How exciting is this folks!!! :star::heart::pill::thumbsup::yum::squee::D
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