Relatively uninteresting CDC rundown on XMRV


Senior Member
Brain fog, not Brian. Just making a joke because I'm always forgetting what month it is and I hate it. I actually can't remember what year it is most of the time.
Hope you weren't insulted.

Sorry Julius,

I was joking around too, doing an imitation of myself on one of my lesser days (not half bad if I may say so - dyslexia AND repeatedly repeating myself). Not offended in the least. Actually having a pretty good laugh right now. Hope that's OK on your end as well.


Watchoo lookin' at?
Sorry Julius,

I was joking around too, doing an imitation of myself on one of my lesser days (not half bad if I may say so - dyslexia AND repeatedly repeating myself). Not offended in the least. Actually having a pretty good laugh right now. Hope that's OK on your end as well.

I sort of thought so...just wanted to make sure.


Senior Member
CDC's new page on XMRV and blood banks, etc.

"Should an individual with diagnosed chronic fatigue syndrome donate blood?
At the present time, there are no specific recommendations to defer donors who have chronic fatigue syndrome. However, FDA regulations require that a donor should be in good health. Medical Directors at blood collection centers should exercise judgment in determining whether individuals with a history of CFS are in good health at the time of donation."

So, I guess we can just ask any Medical Director at a blood collection center to judge whether we are in 'good health', eh?

I think this is irresponsible advice.


Apple, anyone?
Northeastern US
From the CDC website:

It was first identified in samples of human prostate cancer tissue. Some additional studies have suggested that a high percentage of persons with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) may be infected with XMRV, but this result needs to be confirmed by other groups of scientists.

OK, maybe I'm reading too much into this, but isn't it interesting that the CDC writes "...STUDIES [plural] have suggested that a high percentage of persons with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) may be infected...." In fact, only ONE study has suggested that--unless the CDC knows about other positive studies in press!

The other thing that stood out to me is the CDC's statement that the result needs to be confirmed by other GROUPS (plural). Notice that the prostate cancer association was only confirmed by ONE group (Singh's group corroborated Silverman's findings). Yet the CDC doesn't say that more groups need to replicate it before it'll be taken seriously. For prostate cancer, one replication is enough, apparently.

So if the CDC uses the same standard for CFS, one independent positive study is all we'll need! :victory:

But of course, there's always a double standard for the ugly stepsister. :Retro mad: :(