I am writing a paper for the medical journal The Female Patient (which goes to 40,000 Ob/gyns & 20,000 nurse practitioners in the US) & am struggling with tracking down a few references for citations. Can anyone direct me to the source for the often quoted statement that "housemates & sexual partners of PWC may have an increased risk of CFS", "80% of PWC have no known family history of CFS", and the paper stating that healthcare professionals have a slightly increased risk of CFS? I found one paper by Jason et al (1998 Am J Med) showing that nurses had a slightly increased risk of CFS. I'm also looking for the Jason et al 2006 paper that Maes cites in his letter to NeuroEndocrinology Letters (2009) finding that "a study published in 2006 found the average age of death from heart failure was significantly lower in CFS patients than the general US population at 59 years, versus 81". But if I can't find that paper, I'm just citing the Maes reference.
Thanks & much appreciation for help here! (or direction to a part of this forum or another website which categorizes CFS references). I tried Pub Med but didn't get very far.
Thanks & much appreciation for help here! (or direction to a part of this forum or another website which categorizes CFS references). I tried Pub Med but didn't get very far.