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Red spots anyone?

Western Australia

I know there has been a recent post on petechiae, but I am talking about larger red spots I have on my back. If I hadn't already had chicken pox I would be sure that is what they are. They are only on my back and have been there for a few days and don't appear to be spreading at all. I just can't figure them out!:confused: I haven't been able to come up with anything that would explain why they are on my back, and nowhere else.

I think they are more prevalent in areas that have been exposed to sunlight, but are also all over the rest of my back as well. They are slightly sore if I push on them, and I think are burning a little, but aren't really bothering me much at all. I really just want to figure them out due to curiosity really.

I have felt as though I might be coming down with something this week. Sore throat, extra yuck etc. Always hard to tell, cos it's not very different to usual, as I'm sure most of you can relate to.

Any ideas would be most welcome.

take care, ness


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Shingles maybe? i would go to your doctor and get it checked out. If it is shingles you can get antivirals whixh may help.
I know what you mean about it being hard to tell if you are coming down with something. When you feel like crap all the time its so hard to tease these things out. I think anyhting like a new rash should be investigated, its not neccesarily related to your M.E/CFS
Take care, Justy.
Western Australia
Thanks Guys,

Erythema Multiforme seemed like a very good candidate, until I read that it starts in the extremeties. Shingles is a good one too. Weirdly, I wouldn't be surprised if you are both right and it is related to my previous chicken pox.

I was going to go to the doc if it progressed at all, but it didn't. I'm a bit paranoid about going to the doctor, I don't want to be thought of as a hypochondriac or something. Even if there is visual proof, as soon as they realize I have ME/CFS in my history they will just think I'm a looney.

Much appreciated and take care,
