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Rectal medication (contains alcohol) switching to oral


Senior Member
For a variety of reasons I‘ve been forced to take the rectal version of diazepam since February. It contains alcohol.

I‘m highly reactive to anything, however for a bit of time this worked much better than orally.

I now have to transfer from the rectal version with alcohol to the oral version. I started this a few months ago.

The first steps were horrific (much more than any usual withdrawal). I had no idea why.

I fastly learned (if understood correctly)that because it bypasses the first-pass effect of the liver, thatwith rectal there is actually more medication in the body than with oral. Which would mean even when i took the same dose orally, it wasn’t the same dose.
Is there any chance to find out how much this is?

The second part is the alcohol. Both diazepam and 2 other medications I am taking (eg Baclofen) are not supposed to be taken with alcohol at all. Because alcohol increases their effect. I‘m aware the low-doses of alcohol in rectal medications are not meant with this, but because of the extreme reactivity, i feel there have been intense lowering effects on my other medications like Baclofen. Again, is anyone aware how much this could be?

I can’t risk any further worsening, so I‘m desperately trying to find out how this all works and how much more oral i would need to get the same dose as rectal - both because of the alcohol and because of bypassing the first pass effect.

If anyone has any idea, please let me know 🙏

I may not be able to answer sufficiently because of current state.
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Senior Member
Thank you for your answer. My chaotic text probably didn’t make it clear, but I‘m specifically looking for advice/knowdledge on rectal vs. oral medication. I can’t seem to find anything about it in the www