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Recovery stories: parasites cleanse

Hi everyone,
I am not seeing this subject discussed on the forum, so here we go!
In the world of functional medicine, doctors and holistic practitioners believe that all diseases are a result of a "toxins overload", resulting from diverse toxins and pathogens: parasites, mycotoxins, heavy metals, Lyme & co-infections. (if you're familiar with Hulda Clark's reasearch, you know what I am talking about).

It often takes a comprehensive detox protocol to get better, but some people are seeing huge health improvements with parasites clense alone. So I compiled a few success stories:





Madie's comments: https://www.curezone.org/forums/am.asp?i=467025




There is also quite a lot of testimonies on CFS Facebook groups, of people going into remission/recovery after doing a parasites cleanse.

If you attempt doing this, make sure your detox pathways are open (pooping
2-3 times a day, being able to sweat, using a trampoline to move the lymph etc)
I am starting a comprehensive detox protocol myself, using Microbe Formulas products.
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Senior Member
Well obviously if getting rid of parasites is improving someone's health issues, the parasites are the cause. How could it not be 🤔

Not necessarily. Ivermectin is a fitting example of this. Ivermectin is an effective anti-parasitic. But it's also virus inhibitory (for COVID-19), blocking certain viral proteins, modulating the immune system, and an anti-inflammatory. So if Ivermectin helped in the end, what method of action was really responsible? This is where pathology can help identify the effective pathway. For COVID-19, it's all of these things together except for the anti-viral effect. Quite astonishing.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Well obviously if getting rid of parasites is improving someone's health issues, the parasites are the cause. How could it not be 🤔

I've been down this road many times with other people here. There will always be people that disagree with you. In my experience, it doesn't matter what evidence you show, you will not change their mind.

Trust yourself and trust your research. Good luck!:thumbsup:


Senior Member
I've been down this road many times with other people here. There will always be people that disagree with you. In my experience, it doesn't matter what evidence you show, you will not change their mind.

Trust yourself and trust your research. Good luck!:thumbsup:

Don't get me wrong. I'm not for or against this theory. Otherwise, I wouldn't have written the referenced post. Let's stay open-minded.

I welcome posts like this and I encourage you to keep looking into it and/or other theories. We have to stay informed. Thanks for these links @Pauline91 !


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
I think that parasites could cause chronic fatigue and that getting rid of them would hopefully eliminate that fatigue. However, chronic fatigue is not the same thing as ME/CFS.

I do think many who have ME/CFS have toxic loads of various types - mercury and other chemicals. I used to have detox reactions almost constantly. Anything that had "cleansing" properties caused me to feel sick - cayenne, chlorella, spirulina, apple cider vinegar. I tried Andy Cutler's protocol for 3 or 4 months but made no progress and just couldn't take it any more. I had had several mercury fillings as a child which were removed in 1997, but that made no difference.

It's a long story but in 2014 I discovered that glycine, inositol and glutamine helped get my detox pathways working properly. I had to start with a very small dose of glycine because it hit me like a truck, extreme detox reaction. Anyways over a period of 6 months I gradually increased my doses of of these 3 nutrients and by the end of the 6 months, my detoxing days were pretty much over. I can take cayenne as a supplement with no issues, I can have ACV on my salad and I'm fine, I no longer react to everything I ingest. And I used to often feel like I was on a drug, and just felt fluish and sick and my digestion would be off.

I had Quicksilver Mercury Tri Test done at the end of those 6 months and it found that I had very low levels of mercury and that my mercury excretion capabilities were very good.

So one part of my life is quite a bit better. Unfortunately, all the detoxing did nothing for my ME/CFS. I still crash with depressing regularity if I over do it.

Also my digestion is good. I don't think parasites are an issue for me. One other bit of detoxing I had to do was a liver cleanse back in 2004 - I did it under the supervision of my chiropractor who does muscle testing. I had a toxic load of chemical solvents in my liver from a job I'd had when I was 19. The detox was rough, lasted a month, but afterwards my digestion was so much better. I'd had trouble eating prior to the detox and felt sick and fluish a lot. Also alcohol made me sick prior to the detox, and afterwards I found I could drink it (in moderation of course!) without getting sick, which was very nice! I also learned my stomach acid was low and I started taking betaine HCL with pepsin which has been amazing, and also milk thistle.

So my digestion did a complete turnaround, and that part of my life was much better, only the detox didn't touch my ME/CFS, still very limited in what I can do, still crashed regularly, etc.

So I think detoxing when appropriate can be very helpful, when done knowledgeably. But for me at least it didn't change my underlying illness.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
@Pauline91, perhaps you could set up a poll about this. The reason I say that is sometimes people suggest things that many of us have tried already.

At least with a poll, you could see how treating parasites has worked in the ME/CFS community.

That being said, I do agree with @Mary. Chronic Fatigue can be resolved by a lot of things, however, ME/CFS is a different ball game altogether.

Many of the doctors who say they treat ME/CFS actually have CF in their minds without really realizing it. Later however they lose patience with us because we do the things they say and don't get better.

Plus, it gets kinda expensive and time consuming, not to mention energy depleting, to keep going to doctors who think they have an understanding of this disease only to find out later that they don't really.
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Senior Member
There is also quite a lot of testimonies on CFS Facebook groups, of people going into remission/recovery after doing a parasites cleanse.

Testimonies don't qualify as strong evidence, for many reasons. How can you prove that they had ME (or CFS or CF) before the treatments, and didn't have it after?

I expect that some PWME have reduced their ME symptoms by using antiparasitics, although as nerd pointed out, that doesn't necessarily mean that a parasite was the problem.

If someone wants to try antiparasitics, I certainly wouldn't say that there's no chance of it helping. However, a few unverified testimonials certainly don't convince me that it's worth trying.

Antiparasitics seems quite limited in which parasites they target, so taking one for tapeworms won't clear you of malaria. If you really believe that you do have a parasitic infection, it would be best to get tested properly. The effective antiparasitics probably have nasty side-effects, so you really don't want to take them if you don't have the parasites that they target.
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I have tried Hulda Clark's Protocol for parasites for 2 weeks or so without any improvement to my ME/CFS. I have also read her books, and while she is right on many things, she does not have all the answers in my opinion for disease. I have also bought that magical zapper which did nothing for me.


nucleus caudatus et al
Ik waak up
Yes it does, when a parasites infestation is the cause of the chronic fatigue. Obviously those who manage to heal are the ones with a positive warrior mindset. This is a place of solidarity, sharing knowledge and experiments :tulip:
It should though be rather unlikely that symptoms which behave that autonomous - wide range of them and individually different, delayed PEM - are caused by any infection.

There is also no good empirical evidence for ongoing infection.
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Senior Member
I expect that some PWME have reduced their ME symptoms by using antiparasitics, although as nerd pointed out, that doesn't necessarily mean that a parasite was the problem.

Chiming in....I did an anti-parasitical protocol for 4 months--highly stripped down diet and an herbal arsenal--and I have to say that I felt about 15-20% better at the end of it. I was never tested so I have no idea if I had parasites that I killed off or if it was the diet that helped. Like many anecdotes, impossible to draw conclusions from.

Testimonies don't qualify as strong evidence, for many reasons.
Absolutely true, but for some of us, they offer inspiration and possibility. Places to investigate and explore. Which can be a valuable thing to share with one another--if we are clear about the facts.

@Pauline91 simply said:
some people are seeing huge health improvements with parasites clense alone.
I've tried 100s of things in my quest to be and feel better and only a minute handful have panned out for me. But....some of the same things that have been utterly useless for my body have made huge differences in quality of life for others. We don't know how to cure ME/CFS so to a large extent we are all in the dark.

Let's take this offering for what it can give us: more information. Anecdotal to be sure. But for the most part, that is what we have to deal in at this point.

I hope you will share that with us as your parasite cleanse proceeds, @Pauline91.
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almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
I have tried Hulda Clark's Protocol for parasites for 2 weeks or so without any improvement to my ME/CFS. I have also read her books, and while she is right on many things, she does not have all the answers in my opinion for disease. I have also bought that magical zapper which did nothing for me.

Yeah, I've never met anyone who was helped by the zapper.

Treating for parasites helped me tremendously back in 2006 when I was diagnosed with CFS. A very low carb diet and a couple months of Paragone (by Renew Life) cut the brain fog I'd grown up with by about 70%. That product still continues to make me feel better even now, though for many years I believed this was for other reasons other than parasites. This was not so sharp of me. I'm now delving into treating for parasites again with a little more firepower.

IMO it's important to understand that there's likely more than one reason for our ill health. So even though treating parasites was very helpful for me it didn't cure my ME/CFS. That's because I've other parasites, Lyme disease, babesia, mold illness, etc. All of which has to be dealt with, and it's very tricky.

It's true there's "no good empirical evidence for ongoing infection" in this disease, but that's because the doctors are assholes and the tests are not great. ;)

Just a few years ago Lyme patients and their doctors were derided by the medical establishment, and now you've the director of the Johns Hopkins Lyme Disease Research Center clearly stating "Lyme left untreated will go on to become a chronic, persistent infection in the majority of people." It’s right here in the following video. Why the change you might ask? I think it has something to do with a diminutive, Hungarian researcher out of the University of New Haven by the name of Eva Sapi, a former Lyme sufferer herself who was sufficiently motivated, and designed a smart study that proved that Lyme persists. It wasn't golden boy bug hunter, Ian Lipkin, with all the resources, who's supposed to be looking into this stuff. So when we say there's no good evidence for infections in ME/CFS it may just be that our researchers are not sufficiently motivated to find them.
