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Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf War: Effe


Senior Member

Chemical exposures have become the focus of etiologic GWI research because nervous system symptoms are prominent and many neurotoxicants were present in theater, including organophosphates (OPs), carbamates, and other pesticides; sarin/cyclosarin nerve agents, and pyridostigmine bromide (PB) medications used as prophylaxis against chemical warfare attacks. Psychiatric etiologies have been ruled out.


Senior Member
New Zealand
I've only read a bit of this so far but it looks to be a well written, credible review article on GWI.

There is interesting information including incidence (25 to 32% of veterans) and a pointing to specific causes which do not include the psychological trauma of war:

We conclude that exposure to pesticides and/or to PB < pyridostigmine bromide medications> are causally associated with GWI and the neurological dysfunction in GW veterans. Exposure to sarin and cyclosarin and to oil well fire emissions are also associated with neurologically based health effects, though their contribution to development of the disorder known as GWI is less clear. Gene-environment interactions are likely to have contributed to development of GWI in deployed veterans.

I was not aware that the causes of GWI had been identified so I will read the rest of the article with interest, particularly to consider if the suggested causes might be relevant to my family's illness.


Senior Member