Hmmm. I love all these replies, most every one of them is thought provoking. But I still can't understand how, if the egos of the CDC are involved, why they would risk looking so obviously stupid. After all, WPI sent them their own "Find XMRV Yourself Kit" in September, 2009! Actually, I would have expected egocentric dopes like the CDC to try to steal the spotlight by very early on "finding" XMRV all over the place, pinning it on everything from leukemia to hemorrhoids and acting like they discovered it or knew it all along and were just waiting for (bla bla bla) *insert anything lame here that sounds half way plausible*. That's how I would expect them to behave if they were trying to cover their butts and pretend to look competent and justify their funding at the same time, not continue to deny, deny, deny, cover, cover, cover. They are scientists, their bosses are scientists. There's a whole lot of SCIENCE that stands opposed to them and they MUST know how incredibly backward they will look when the smoke clears on XMRV, and the smoke surely will at some point indeed clear. I mean, really, publishing a completely negative XMRV study NOW? Seriously? Is it truly possible that they truly think this is going to make them look better or protect their funding and jobs while the FDA/NIH, the Japanese, the Germans, the WPI, the NCI, the Cleveland Clinic and I'm sure lots of other labs can find the thing? And then revamp their website to even further contradict long known and established SCIENCE regarding CFS which is not under debate? What's the angle? They have to know that science is marching circles around them, so why would they wave their stupidity flag and blow their ignorance horn so loudly when it's so abundantly evident to any thinking person, even to us, with half our brains tied behind our backs much of the time, that they have their heads stuck up their
's Is it just me or is this completely insane? There's something I'm not getting, a piece of the puzzle is missing, a big piece.