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Re-infection with lyme disease


Senior Member
Yes this can be a big help for some lyme patients. I feel for certain individuals they are a lot more susceptible to mold problems due to certain genetics that make it harder for them to clear out mycotoxins from their system and etc. None the less I try and practice good mold avoidance. It's hard and expensive to do all the testing in your home or apartment though.

Yes there are pristine environments in the wilderness
that may be helpful South west,high desert land ..
yes gene detox is big

Keep up the good work


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
@Martial, If you believe you've been bitten again you may have picked up something new. Do you have any new symptoms? You may want to consider testing.

According to Dr Horowitz babesia is the most common co-infection and, although I can't find the reference at the moment, it's apparently present in around 50% (I think) of his patients. And he works in New York state, so not too far from you. Babesia requires a different group of medicines and herbs to treat it. Buhner's recommendations of wormwood and cryptolepis are good, but for me they were insufficient. Neem should be added to the list. Personally I use low dose therapy with meds to keep my babesia in check. I don't believe I'd be able to do so with just herbs, but we're all different.

Did you have PEM the last time you were unwell and have it resolve with Lyme treatment? If so it's important to let people understand this. A lot of folks seem to believe Lyme doesn't cause "real" CFS, and I know this is going to end up costing some people years of additional suffering.


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
@Martial, If you believe you've been bitten again you may have picked up something new. Do you have any new symptoms? You may want to consider testing.

According to Dr Horowitz babesia is the most common co-infection and, although I can't find the reference at the moment, it's apparently present in around 50% (I think) of his patients. And he works in New York state, so not too far from you. Babesia requires a different group of medicines and herbs to treat it. Buhner's recommendations of wormwood and cryptolepis are good, but for me they were insufficient. Neem should be added to the list. Personally I use low dose therapy with meds to keep my babesia in check. I don't believe I'd be able to do so with just herbs, but we're all different.

Did you have PEM the last time you were unwell and have it resolve with Lyme treatment? If so it's important to let people understand this. A lot of folks seem to believe Lyme doesn't cause "real" CFS, and I know this is going to end up costing some people years of additional suffering.

Interesting if he's that close ill have to try and book an appointment. For now my symptoms are very typical lyne stuff. Some tendon pains and generalized fatigue, muscle pains a bit, some strange neuro symptoms. I believe I had bartonella co infection last time but I resolved every symptoms I had when I was first sick and was far, far worse off than what I'm experiencing now.

I didn't have PEM the same way as an M.E. patient though. I do recall that doing cardiovascular exercise and over exertion could symptoms intensity certain symptoms when I was first sick and starting to make improvements as well many years ago. I'm exercising right now despite my current symptoms and don't have any noticeable negative effect from it. Honestly if it wasn't for the tendon and nerve stuff I'd say I almost feel normal. The fatigue is much lighter then when I was having neuro cognitive stuff years ago. I do also get exhausted more before falling asleep, wake up feeling more tired and groggy than before the symptoms and sleep for longer with less quality sleep.


Senior Member
@Martial, If you believe you've been bitten again you may have picked up something new. Do you have any new symptoms? You may want to consider testing.

According to Dr Horowitz babesia is the most common co-infection and, although I can't find the reference at the moment, it's apparently present in around 50% (I think) of his patients. And he works in New York state, so not too far from you. Babesia requires a different group of medicines and herbs to treat it. Buhner's recommendations of wormwood and cryptolepis are good, but for me they were insufficient. Neem should be added to the list. Personally I use low dose therapy with meds to keep my babesia in check. I don't believe I'd be able to do so with just herbs, but we're all different.

Did you have PEM the last time you were unwell and have it resolve with Lyme treatment? If so it's important to let people understand this. A lot of folks seem to believe Lyme doesn't cause "real" CFS, and I know this is going to end up costing some people years of additional suffering.

I believe this may be true.Seems that there may be varying cause.Im hearing more individuals who have had mcas,mold,lyme and I do believe there are elements in environmental health that may greatly contribute to cfs
Hey y'all, hope everyone is doing well during these

crazy pandemic times. I wanted to make a post to ask

for some help on a recent situation of mine.

I had joined these forums many years ago when I first

dealt with a serious chronic lyme disease and co

infection illness which had taken me quite some time

and doctor visits/ research before I was diagnosed

and figured out what was going on for me.

I spent a lot of times on these forums and learned

valuable things and enjoyed the company of many

really cool people here. Which I am very thankful and

grateful for.

I fully recovered from all my issues many years ago at

the age of 25 I was 85 percent normal again and then

at 26 I was 100 percent again. I initially got very ill at

the age of 22, was finally diagnosed at 23 and was

on my way to doing a lot better at 24 after finally

getting proper treatment.

It took me quite some time to recover 100 percent

because I was doing the buhner herbal treatment of

Lyme disease on my own after my llmd went out of

network and got too expensive. This is because I

wasn't properly dosing the herbs enough but later

learned to do proper dosing and resolved residual

things there after.

Recently at the age or 31 I unfortunately had the

experience of being recently re infected with lyme

disease and have a much more mild case of it

compared to the nightmare experience which was the

first time getting sick with all the neuro cognitive

issues included.

Right now I just have generalized lyme symptoms that

are not really that disabling like before but I wanted to

hop on here and get advice from others for good

treatments I could try and add to what I'm doing.

Right now I am focused on doing the buhner herbs

again for this new infection but I'm curious to know

opinions on other things I can also try, as well as

people's opinions on antibiotics.

I am trying to avoid antibiotics as much as possible

because I've used and found treatments that work

very well for Lyme disease without the same side

effects and issues that the antibiotics can produce. My

biggest concern with the antibiotic use is actually its

link to raising your risk of auto immune conditions like


I would not want to treat my infection with antibiotics

right now and then raise the risk of developing some

kind of auto immune illnesses later from my antibiotic

usage treating the Lyme.

But on the flipside some doctors state that antibiotics

are the only proven and effective treatment in curing

Lyme disease and that there are certain long term

issues that can happen if you avoid treatment from the

infection doing more damage to the body. So it feels

like a damned if I do, and damned if I don't situation.

Although personally that's mainstream CDC standard

which isn't that thorough and is set to prevent people

seeking treatments that don't work as a substitute.

Antibiotics are very effective for Lyme and have a

great success rate of curing it. I just don't want to take

the other risks that are associated with the antibiotics

if I can just treat the Lyme disease without it.

For people that have persistent symptoms after

antibuitic treatment I think herbs work extremely well

without adding over all toxicity to the system with

Long term multiple iv antibiotics usage some suggest

for chronic lyme. But I'm someone who had never

used antibiotics whatsoever at the moment lol.

I had lyme disease as well, osha root cured me.