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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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David Jackson

Senior Member
Hey hey,

What’s up all?

Just gotta vent something, which is unusual for me… I’ve been through hell with CFS, and didn’t need so speak to anyone about it; I just dealt with it. Really getting a bit mental now, though, trying to figure out how to earn money when I’m currently at 25%.

It’s insane, really; I used to be so bad I could hardly even sit up in bed or stand; now I can garden for two hours a day. You’d think I’d be elated at how much I’ve improved, but when faced with a difficult puzzle, my brain really short-circuits, you know?

I’m trying to figure out how to make some money working from home, and, maybe, finally get off a benefit. However, I’ve got no good work contacts, no car, no drivers license, limited energy when I leave the house anyway, and a meeting with the welfare people in a week’s time.

I’ve looked at a few different work options, I get excited about them, and then see why they won’t work. An old friend of mine, who once offered me some accounting work I could do at home (which I had to refuse at the time), isn’t replying to my emails.

I went hard at uni, and got a Masters degree in Commerce, but then joined a monastery, and then got sick after that… so I’ve just got so little experience to pick up from now. It’s embarrassing, you know, being 33 years of age, and having so little to show for it. Looking at an empty CV, and then looking at what my peers can do, I’m like, “who’s gonna hire me?”

Although you might get some of you energy back, like I have, you still gotta fix your nervous system - so it doesn’t consider an ordinary dilemma - like finding some work - to be an emergency situation.

You also gotta think about what you might do once you do start to get a bit better, as well. I spent the last 12 months going down the Rabbit Hole, trying to find out what was really going on in the world… well, at least I got my answers there.

Right: time to go and turn my attitude around. If anyone has any solutions, I’d really appreciate hearing them :)

David Jackson

Senior Member
Thanks for the idea @Mel9; that might be a good idea - around the end of the financial year, at least.

Of course, it is always a good time to know exactly how much tax you should pay, and have that amount set aside...
You sound just like me - I'm in my early 30s with a small CV, and having CFS makes me wonder if I can work since I had to drop out of my language and culture courses in my new country. I know how you feel.

The only way I've made money this year that wasn't from welfare was on cryptocurrency investment and trading, but that's a gamble - it takes time to get a return on your investment, and it's not a reliable source of income if you're a small trader like me. But it could be something to look into for a little extra income in the long term. (I've not invested a lot, less than $100 and turned it into about $600, over a year.) I'm not a huge risk taker so I stayed away from ICOs and most new currencies, I stuck mainly to ETH and BTC.
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David Jackson

Senior Member
Haha - yeah, those crypto currencies! I bought some Bitcoin back in July for something specific I wanted to buy, and I had about $25 worth left after I'd made my purchase. Now it's like $138, haha. Should have put more; would have made a thousand dollars...

Look, I know that we're not meant to talk about conspiracies on this forum, so I won't elaborate on this, but there is good evidence to suggest that the same gang that control the stock market also made Bitcoins, and they'll be crashing along with the market at some stage in the future too - but, out of respect for Phoenix Rising, I will say no more than that. I just felt compelled to warn you.

But, yeah, I know how you feel - I was trying to get a YouTube channel going for a month there, and then I was thinking about buying cheap stuff from end of estate sales and selling it online... I think finally I am admitting that I'd need to work part-time from home at least, but then I looked at my unimpressive CV, and my brain told me that I was... well, out of respect for Phoenix Rising, I can't finish that sentence either...
Thanks for the warning, I reinvested my BTC in other things this month actually, so I should be alright. :)
I have the same regret about ETH, if I had bought it back when it was $10 each it would have turned into a lot of money.
I've thought about doing YouTube as well, and maybe finding something I can do on Fiverr since it has more than everyday type jobs on there.

David Jackson

Senior Member
Yeah, I had a quick look at Fiverr today, but it seemed to me like there were tons of people on there already who all had way more experience than me, and knew exactly what they were talking about... what do you think you could offer there? Which fields/categories?
If I get enough energy back to be able to sit up and use my PC again, I could teach others how to secure their computer and things like that (my background is in IT). For now I'm thinking of the more esoteric stuff on there like tarot card readings and stuff like that. Everybody starts somewhere :) maybe someone isn't as experienced but they provide better customer service, so that can often make up for it.

David Jackson

Senior Member
Oh, really? They do stuff like Tarot card readings on there? That's awesome; I'd go for one of those!

And what do you mean about securing your computer? Protecting it from viruses, you mean? Or making it more private on the web?
Pretty much everything, like using ad blockers, firewalls, antivirus/antimalware, changing system settings to guard your privacy, all that kinda stuff.