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Quite upset, lab stuffup???


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I just got a phone call in regards to my last 24hr cortisol test. I just got told I need to redo the cortisol test again, when I asked why. I got told they believe there was no acid in the test bottle. Thing is there was acid in it, Ive done this test quite a few times before over the past few years so know there was acid in that bottle and it looked right to me.

I also know 100% no that acid or any urine was spilt out of the bottle... so now im upset, wondering what on earth my results were... what reason why they think there was no acid in that bottle??

I also had the lid on that bottle super tight so dont believe the acid and urine could of spilt after i dropped bottle into clinic to get taken to the lab. What strange thing have they found??? (unless they lied to me about the reason why they think test was stuffed up???? Maybe they did a mistake on their end and hence lied???)

Does anyone know if Addisons Disease could be mistaken for someone doing the 24 cortisol test without the acid in it????? (my cortisol has been low and JUST out of the normal ranges in past 24hr cortisol tests over past few years.. i also have the Addison disease genotype).

After 13 years of CFIDS have i now developed Addisons disease????????????? (at this point im thinking they have either lied to me about why test didnt work or that no cortisol has been found???????). There reason why test needs to be redone, dont make sense


iherb code TAK122
If you are sure there was acid in the bottle then it could be something as simple as the bottle being dropped and broken by the lab technician, they never admit to making mistakes do they? Hope you get your next test and results back soon, you don't need the worry.


Senior Member
I wouldn't worry about it too much. I think the reality is that the testing process is a whole lot more sloppy than anyone would care to admit. I've had to do many tests over through the years. I'd rather take it over than get an inaccurate result.

Re: cortisol - early on I had two doctors argue with one another whether mine was low or high. Then they argued over the best test for it and how the other's lab was incompetent. I really think doctors/medicine puts too much emphasis on the result of one test. They should guide not dictate.


senior member
Concord, NH
"I just got a phone call in regards to my last 24hr cortisol test. I just got told I need to redo the cortisol test again, when I asked why. I got told they believe there was no acid in the test bottle. Thing is there was acid in it, Ive done this test quite a few times before over the past few years so know there was acid in that bottle and it looked right to me."

Perhaps in the future you could test the pH of the contents with a little strip? or is there to little in the container?

And/Or in the future tell them to put extra in so you can double check at home?!

Is this a private company or ?

Hope this helps, I don't know anything about Addisons disease, sorry.


Senior Member
My guess, and that's all it is, would be that the lab returned a value which the textbook says indicates Addison's disease. The doctor takes a look at this, does not see electrolyte imbalance, and remembers you do not have the hyperpigmentation of the disease, and says "she doesn't have Addison's, the lab screwed up!" The lab. then blames the patient for spilling the solution.

Unless you were PEMed out at the time of the test, I'd wonder about missing part of your daily cycle. Your minimum cortisol may well be out of range. Doctors who don't follow the changes during the day can get a variety of values. The value tells less about the illness than the wild swings. Your next problem is "what is said doctor going to do about it?" It is possible to make the situation worse.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
My guess, and that's all it is, would be that the lab returned a value which the textbook says indicates Addison's disease. The doctor takes a look at this, does not see electrolyte imbalance, and remembers you do not have the hyperpigmentation of the disease, and says "she doesn't have Addison's, the lab screwed up!" The lab. then blames the patient for spilling the solution.

Unless you were PEMed out at the time of the test, I'd wonder about missing part of your daily cycle. Your minimum cortisol may well be out of range. Doctors who don't follow the changes during the day can get a variety of values. The value tells less about the illness than the wild swings. Your next problem is "what is said doctor going to do about it?" It is possible to make the situation worse.

ohh lol that is the senario i had going on in my own head.

I know from the past that abnormal results for me with things were ignored as they werent believed or put down to something that in my case wasnt correct. eg I had two separate EEGS done.. they both were abnormal and at the lab said this would be due to me taking benzo drugs. I wasnt told about this and my history wasnt even checked out and at that point of time hadnt had any drugs at all to what they'd put down must of been affecting my brain waves.

Hence i say, everyone needs to demand to see copies of their test results and check out what is written.. and if abnormal results are being dismissed due to something which isnt even going on..

Who knows what my doctor will do if abnormality is found.. he goes EXACTLY by the book one could say.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Is this a private company or ?

no ... its the main states blood/path lab. (my doctor wouldnt believe in using a private company for anything).

I know what has happened now (if the second person Ive spoken to can be trusted). My boyfriend got me to ring back to lab and talk to someone else to see what another person would tell me. On ringing the lab, I got a different story given.

The girl there said that it did in fact have the acid in it.... but there was wrong amount of acid in it... hence a mistake of the people who sends those to the doctors surgery all prepared for use. The lab appologised for this (not sure why.. maybe thou it is their own company who provides these to the doctor!!). So i had to go down to surgery and pick up another bottle.. thing is the one given to me, looks like there is even less acid in it then that other one.

To add to this mistake... there was another test which was meant to be being done at the same time (one which checks for adrenaline and nonadrenaline).. but the doctor stuffed up and thought it could be done using the same lot.. so now i have two lots of 24 hr ones to do. And what is further confusing me.. they labeled the two bottles now for the tests.. and the cortisol one.. hasnt got any acid in it at all??? so now im very very confused and wondering if the medical clinic now is muddling the two tests up.

We all almost need our own medical certificates :p

ps.. started doing test again today but stuffed up and used toilet not thinking while dazed.. so now i got to get yet another bottle and start all over again. (im going to tape the toilet shut!!!!). Got to be doing one of these now next week as surgery isnt open on weekends to take it in when finished.

Im having to record all my food and drink this week too for the Nutritionist. Next time someone says to me it must be nice not having to work, Im going to want to strangle them!! They have no idea of the work which goes into being sick, with the appointments and all else.


Senior Member
hi if you have doubts about addisons the test you need is a Synacthen test also know as ACTH stimulation test, not sure about 24 hour cortisol tests but for morning serum cortisol test the referance range 250-700nmol/L however if your resualt is 550 or lower you can still have addisons, alot of doctors don't know this so it gets missed. symptoms of addisons may also include hyperpigmentaion of palmer creases, scars, inside mouth, where clothing rubs on skin and darkening skin colour, if you have doubts about addisons find a way to get to an endochrinologist and get synacthen test done. 24 hour urine cortisol is not! the gold standard test for this disease. from what i,ve read low 24 hour cortisol can also indicate hypopituitarism but an endochrinologist should be able to sort that out. if it turns out to be addisons its far more lightly that you,ve never had CFIDs and you've had addisons all along very common for it to take years to get diagnosed properly so don't worry about having both, and yes most lightly explanation is someone at the lab dropped your sample or something similar, these things happen best of luck, hope this helps