But I ain't as clever as I once was, hence the damn typos

and that frankly, is one of the scariest damn things about this illness :/
Bad enough losing physical prowess I once had, but to be demeaned in mind? Now that is a "blasphemy": an outrage against that which is "right".
And an even worse blasphemy, infinitely worse, is that some peoples' arrogance and callous snobbery, a need to have a "caste system" of those who "deserve" and "those who do not deserve" is at the heart of the medical profession, and that is why I have compared some of the folk involved in the active prevention of scientific research and the bringing of succor the sick, to the worst criminals in history for they are brothers in spirit (or rather, lack of it).
Jeesh! When will we learn? :/
Every GOD DAMN TIME compassion and mercy are subsumed by some "cause", some lust for wealth, some megalomanical cabal of petty minds slips in from the cracks to fill a void....whisperers who egg on and support an abandonment of caring about others, a grotesque pandering crew of sychophants who feather their nests by the theft of the lives of others.
These days however, they don't even have the balls to use a sword or gun, for indeed, the pen IS mightier than the sword, ans safer!
And lo'! With a stroke of a pen, or clack of a keyboard, 17 million and more souls are consigned to a Perdition, a Limbo in the cold, aching halls of Hel. (and that's
not a typo, "Hel")
And Niddhogg did chew upon the roots of the great immortal Yygdrasil, the Tree of Life, which bridged the halls of Hel to the joyous halls of Valhalla, and thus was never-ending sorrow born up unto the world of Men.
One way of describing M.E., isn't it?
The world and people around us are full of insight, the greatest treasure trover in all Creation is the very space and places we move through and touch each day, the brightest jewels, the only ones which actually light it all up, are the people and living creatures around us.
They are the TRUE wealth, the only one in the end which counts.
Ever heard of the "Ahriman" ? He was the Zoroastranism's "Lucifer", the personification of Evil.
For those who don't know, Zoroastrinism is the root of Judeao-Chritisn-Islamic beliefs, and probably also Buddhism and the religion of Akhenaten of Egypt.
However, in this sense, "Ahriman" reffers ot a more modern tradition of spirituality a bit more grounded in the way people "tick".
Point is, "Ahriman" is taken as being rampant Materialism, and it's offshoot, the soulless worship of Technology
See, to some folks, the advancement of Technology and our "systems" are more important than ANYTHING: children's lives mean nothing in the end, as to them "
for every one life lost, a hundred are saved!"
But they don't see that is just the same chant called by those who burned people alive "to save their souls".
hard choices have to be made, yes, but they should be made by NEED, not Ego and Greed. But they blind themselves ot their own horrendous evil by wrapping themselves in a blanket of "
doing it for the best!" and "
pragmatic statistics", as others did for "
the glory of God"....same tune, different scenarios.
People do things, because they WANT to do them.
Which is a long winded way of epxlaining things that have ot BE understood, like the Science Media Centre.
You have to grasp the deeper parts of things, to avoid being dazzled or bored by the surfaces.
any of those allied to the Science Media Centre and it's much broader network of liek-minded individuals, have an zealous belief in the promotion of "science, advancement, technology " at any cost, religious zealots who worship technology as if it were the Answer to Everything, rather than the mere "tool" that it is.
And so, a blanket of silence, of "
the undeserving sick", the "
hysterics making up their illness, move along folks, you'll just encourage them!" is drapped of the things they don't want Joe Public to get in an uproar about, between compassionless jerks in the medical world, and greed-bedazzled technocrats in other areas.
They cannot have folk quesitoning the safety of vaccines, or nuclear power or anything, because their own World View depends on the rigidity, the stability so they cover up that which upsets that stability
And what's even more tragic is that many of the those invovled in this don't even see their own true reasons for doing it and can never, ever admit their wrong or see the terrible things they have not prevented when they coudl and should have.
Same old sh*t that's been going on for millenia, they just think they are "
the Right ones who truly Know!", as such always do...