Just wanted to post an update that I just bought my own motorized wheelchair which should arrive in about a week!!!
I rented one for the month and absolutely love it but the model that I am renting was discontinued about four years ago. But, it turns out that it was replaced with a new model that is virtually identical but had to get a new name b/c of Medicare rules and other bureaucratic nonsense. I was able to try out a used version of the new model today at the medical supply store and we compared the measurements and they are identical.
So I ordered my own and will have it very soon. They gave me a huge discount and applied my rental fee to the new chair so I got a great deal for a brand new one. When I first tried it in the store last weekend, I was clueless and was moving on the slowest speed and couldn't turn corners and crashing into things. But after a week of practice at home, I am a pro and the clerk at the store was so impressed, he couldn't believe I was the same person from a week ago!
Often at home if I had to go to the bathroom or get something in another room and no one was home or available to help me, I would just say "forget it" in my mind but now I can go literally anywhere in the apt on my own and get anything that I need for myself. It doesn't cure my illness or speed up the treatment that I hope to start in the upcoming months but it greatly improves my quality of life.
Just wanted to share my good news! We need a little wheelchair icon LOL

ETA: And I keep the rental until the new one arrives so I am never without one.