Was just wondering, being a retrovirus and all, if the activated titers of viruses and XMRV can be related. JAX
They would be directly related, yes.
ME/CFS patients activate other common infections the non immune supressed can keep at bay. Retroviruses are known to do this, to allow 'co-infections' to flourish.
The fact ME/CFS patients are found to have an exogenous retrovirus fits in perfectly with the symptoms patients report and the method they claim to get viruses by, and the associations patients make with 'germs' making them worse.
Didn't we have a quote here once saying that Dr Daniel Peterson (correct me if I'm wrong) said the average person has 5 or 7 viruses, but the average ME/CFS patient has 50?
It was something along those lines and a huge difference. Being he is a world expert on ME/CFS I go with what he says, him and Cheney.
Think of how we report we deal with viruses to our doctors. E.g. an ME/CFS Patient may say 'I was getting a bit better until I got a cold off my sister and 'bam' relapse'. That's a good time to get tested and look for HHV-6/EBV/CMV/etc.. Yet a psych would say you haven't gotton worse, you're somatizing. You got a bit better but your mind attributed increased symptoms to a virus. LOL!!! Seriously. And you'd need mind rehabilitaition with CBT to stop 'medicalising' your CFS. Arhjhjhjjhjh.
Myra McSure found 0% XMRV in CFS on behalf of Wessely, how could they possibly allow themselves to find anything in ME/CFS if spending decades that viral attribution is the epitome of a hysteric. XMRV blows their 'theories' on people with 'mal-adaptive' behavioural responses out of the window.
I'd bet a large amount of money at the bookies within 5 years XMRV/MULV is proven to cause immune supression and brain disease in people who were once called ME/CFS patients. Unfortunately, I'm broke.