Question about Petechien


Senior Member
What could these be?
Hundreds of Petechien (red spots) appeared all over my skin after vaccination on April 21.
As these Petechien finally begin to disappear they leave residues of 1 or 2 mm size, very hard crystals.
Anybody can help me identify these? At first, I thought they were salt crystals but they don't dissolve in water.

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Senior Member
Hello @SWAlexander. I have no idea of your age, but I'm an old dame and can tell you that sun spots start off as brown and can become red as identified in your photos. Winter is especially bad for our skin and frequent moisturization is an absolute necessity. Preferably after a warm (not hot) shower, but at least once/day shower or not.

The small red dots are more common to light skinned people and I don't believe any answer has ever been found for them. I've had them for years....mainly on my abdomen, the same as my mother before me, and find they don't get larger and sometimes even disappear (actually, I pay little attention to them now). It looks like you have two different skin spots going on.

Being very fair skinned I have a penchant for skin cancers. Thus, I can't be out in the sun at all and even now I'm still having surgery for a particularly bad one that was found last summer. The nose is more vulnerable...but other places are the back of the neck, arms, hands and anywhere on the face. I could be finished by now except that another health problem has interrupted this scenario.

Please insist upon a biopsy for anything that looks suspicious. In my case, I've had 3 cancers that have presented themselves in different ways. One was merely dry, flaky skin....and the others were actually cysts that arose as a result of the original Moh's surgery. Wrong. The cysts were cancers of their own and one in particular has required some rather intricate handiwork. It shouldn't be noticeable when finished.

Moh's is generally the "gold standard" for any facial cancers. No, it doesn't particularly hurt and it's good to have a biopsy done. Ask if it's not offered. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
Hi Lenora. I appreciate your suggestions. I will ask my hematologist on Feb 15th, However, these crystals appear now where the little red dots were before and only since my skin is healing.

This is how I looked back on May 21, after the second vaccination.



Senior Member
Whoa! That's certainly impressive looking and I can't even imagine what it could be. Does it exist on the rest of your body?

I hope you're going to see a dermatologist, although I would bring this up with any Dr. Internists are often good sources of odd illness diagnoses only b/c they see so many people. I know it must be very frustrating for you and I would really insist upon a biopsy. It almost looks like an allergic reaction to something, psoriasis of some sort....but those are only guesses, at best.

Have you read any literature available about post-immunization problems? Please let us know what the outcome is, and keep going until you find out what it is. My skin has changed with the older years, but not in an unexpected way.....well, at least it's documented. Dermatology sounds easy but there is a lot of knowledge that's required (found that out via a problem my husband has...small in comparison, but took years before he found out what it was).

I wish you well....and sincerely hope you'll receive a diagnosis soon. Looking at it again and again, those plaques remind me of psoriasis and there are medications that can help today. Good luck. Yours Lenora.

vision blue

Senior Member
Could it be vasculitis? Check out images on web if youve never seen

What does Stevens Johnson look like? (Sure hope not!)

All over body or just legs

Curious to hear more. Any reactions to first vax? Were your other rreqctions to ivas normal /expected ones? Which vax? I assume youve checked ingredients and nothing jumped out at you. Any other notable details of ykur vaxes or med conditions? Any symptoms with the rash? Itching? Peeling? Butning?

Did the medicos just say “allergy”? Get any biopsy? Any derm have a look at it?

I almost missed your post. If i title was “Odd reaction after second Covid vac” it likely would be getting a zillion views


Senior Member
Whoa! That's certainly impressive looking and I can't even imagine what it could be. Does it exist on the rest of your body?

I hope you're going to see a dermatologist, although I would bring this up with any Dr. Internists are often good sources of odd illness diagnoses only b/c they see so many people. I know it must be very frustrating for you and I would really insist upon a biopsy. It almost looks like an allergic reaction to something, psoriasis of some sort....but those are only guesses, at best.

Have you read any literature available about post-immunization problems? Please let us know what the outcome is, and keep going until you find out what it is. My skin has changed with the older years, but not in an unexpected way.....well, at least it's documented. Dermatology sounds easy but there is a lot of knowledge that's required (found that out via a problem my husband has...small in comparison, but took years before he found out what it was).

I wish you well....and sincerely hope you'll receive a diagnosis soon. Looking at it again and again, those plaques remind me of psoriasis and there are medications that can help today. Good luck. Yours Lenora.

Yes, I also have psoriasis, but this was a reaction to the vaccine and the thrombosis. Now it is healing up and these crystals appear.
Yes, it was all over my body.
And yes, I have seen 6 doctors about it and non had an idea what it could be. The rheumatologist called it Petechien. I´m on my own on this one but it is getting better.


Senior Member
Didnt like my drug induced vasculitis idea?

Yes, I believe that's it, thanks. :thumbsup:It is also called petechiae (Petechien)
Very painful. Had to wear for over a year all my clothes inside out because the seams hurt too much.

"Common vasculitis skin lesions are: red or purple dots (petechiae), usually most numerous on the legs. larger spots, about the size of the end of a finger (purpura), some of which look like large bruises. Less common vasculitis lesions are hives, an itchy lumpy rash and painful or tender lumps."

Now I´m worry about these very hard crystals. What are these?


Senior Member
Thank you all very much. You all are more diagnostic helpful than doctors.
Even though we are the ones who need to endure pain, it is very important to know where the pain comes from. If we know the source we can help ourselves.

Now all I have to do is get rid of the brain fog, unclutter the short-term memory, thrombosis, PEM, POTS and and and. :lol:

vision blue

Senior Member
On crystals, I don't know enough to make an educated guess but I think there are a number of possiblities of things that can crystalize and have them deposit in the skin. Save them like you've been doing. Do you thing these have resulted from the healing process or were part of the initial assault- or someting else entirely?

How does the "more than a year" of pain (jeez does sound awful) mesh with it being caused by the second covid vax? My recollection - which could be wrong - is that early folks got the first Vax in feb 2021 and then second dose march 2021. So its barely been a year if that from Vax number 1. So how can it be more than a year since vax 2 for you? Or did i miss something.

For your psoriasis, do you also have psoriatic arthritis? and do you have gut issues as well?

and may have said it and i missed it but which vax was it and please remind me how long after the 2nd vax the vasculitis started. Also, was it all at once everywhre or did it start in certain places and then spread?

sorry for all the quesitons- but you said we were more hellpful than the MDs. I'm not surprised but asking questions is one of the ways I learn and then can use to help the next person.


Senior Member
On crystals, I don't know enough to make an educated guess but I think there are a number of possiblities of things that can crystalize and have them deposit in the skin. Save them like you've been doing. Do you thing these have resulted from the healing process or were part of the initial assault- or someting else entirely?

A few Petechien (red spots) appeared in Jan 2021. I had an appointment with a rheumatologist/hematologist. My question at the time was, if he thinks I have covid-19 or if I could have spherocytosis, since the blood test revealed von Willebrand Factor 2 and 5 and 8. He said no, these are Petechien and he added: "blood test doesn't show arthritis".

Symptoms since Nov. 2020 weakness in arms and legs, exhaustion, POTS, sleeping up to 14 h. a day, brain fog, cloudy vision, low blood sugar, and overwhelming allergies against nearly everything.
In April I had my 1st vaccine and more Petechien came out. At the same time, I had thrombosis and was on Xarelto (blood thinner) until Dec 2021.

After the second Vacc in May, Petechien came in full force (see picture) and nearly all over the body and forehead.

Oncology: June 2021 no final diagnosis - only gallstones, jaundice and Herpes.

August 2021 Neurologist referral to a University Hospital. However, I never got a bed there.
He thought my back pain and weakness in my arms and legs are due to either Chiari Malf (2008), or Tarlov Cysts MRI 2013 and or Myalgia. Diagnosis: UNMH New Mexico.

My gut flora is messed up since my back surgery with sepsis in 2016.
notes from the hospital:
Surgery Lumbar spinal hardware infection, Data 4/7/16 Body fluid back lumbar spine superficial GS/CX: very rare growth: bacteremia: Staph epidermidis and Peptostreptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, one colony Staph caprae, Corynebacterium species,”
Treatment: 6 weeks antibiotics Vancomycin via PICC line.

Dec. 30th, 2021 hematologist blood test, and diagnosis: "Antiphospholipid syndrome"

In Dec 14th 2021 I had a cortisol/ACTH test. Results were very low and my endocrinologist prescribed hydrocortisone which I started on Jan 2th 2022.
At this time Petechien began slowly to disappear and these crystals began to show up beginning in February.

Tomorrow, an appointment with the hematologist, setting up HEPARIN treatment.

If you need more information, please ask.
...and thank you.
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vision blue

Senior Member
Hi. Thanks. Interesting history. Every specialist is trying to give you a diagnosis withon their specialty but maybe nobody minding the store.

Ive already distracted your goal so probably i shoukd not persost. But if we do ever continue, the next question would go back to 2016 and before: why you needed spinal surgery and how was the rest of your health before that?

That cocktail of MRSA and other growth needing a picc line is a big deal for since then


Senior Member
Ive already distracted your goal so probably i shoukd not persost.

Don't worry, I´m not distracted. I will find the answers somehow. I believe these crystals are a part of micro clots.
Keep asking. I have all UNMH medical records on CD, 544 pages.