Hi Ryan,
I have to admit I am a little fuzzy on the sulfur - chelation link.
Andy Cutler has the most thorough workup on sulfur containing foods/supplements I have seen.
Here is a website with a lot of good stuff, including high sulfur foods and supplements and (if you look at the menu above) a list of low sulfur foods. Although I think for those of us with ME and the CBS C699T mutation, his assertion that sulfur via protein (methionine and cysteine) doesn't effect us much might not hold much water.
I am pretty excited about a cheaper way to deal with ammonia for people with ME, however I want to point out that although the CBS C699T mutation will increase both ammonia and sulfites, they require entirely separate treatments. I have had a great deal of success in taking relatively large amounts of molybdenum (1500 - 2000 mcg) per day to help with sulfites. Molybdenum is the cofactor used by sulfite oxidase (SUOX) to convert toxic sulfites into sulfates, which your body can use. To be honest, I can't find the thread where I saw people doing those doses... And be warned that it can make you tired at first, but that goes away over the course of a week or two.
For what it's worth, I can use quercetin but I can't seem to use chondriotin sulfate. Perhaps it is less sulfuric than some things?
I hope this helps, and best of luck with the chelation in any case.
Aaron C