Quercetin safety


Senior Member
@xrayspex Am not feeling well enough to read the article but I take three different types of Quercetin 2x/day for MCAS. The first is within my NeuroProtek supplement, the second is Quercetin plus Vit C by Twin Labs, and third is plain Q by Jarrow. I would eliminate the third and just do the 2nd but it ends up being too much Vit C that way so I have to mix and match. Have not had any side effects that I know of and it is supposed to be a very strong natural antihistamine.


Senior Member
sounds good gingergurl--I think study relevant because I have both sjogrens and chronic fatigie; title of the study:
The Flavonoid Quercetin Inhibits Proinflammatory Cytokine (Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) Gene Expression in Normal Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells via Modulation of the NF-κβ System


Senior Member
Helena, MT USA
I take hardly any meds or supplements but started trying quercetin again because recalled I had always felt it didnt have much side effects for me and helped with some symptoms....and I am suspecting it is helping calm my system, bit of modulator in a way, knock on wood...surprised and cautiously encouraged...its subtle

today I am feeling more sure that the quercetin has been helping mitigate immune flare from wonky root canal---something about it, like my body really taking to it---I used to take it regularly for few years 10 years ago upto 2010 maybe and I think I got away from using it, maybe a bad brand but I also thought it might be lowering my b/p which already tends to run low...but so far that it isnt problem
But its one of the few supplements I ever took regularly and thought I could tell some good effects from ...tried many the last 25 years too
anyway....too soon to know if correlated this time, but that study looks really good
Thanks for your observations about your responses, @xrayspex. I've also been trying things for over 25 years.
And look what I just found:
Rebalance methylation with methylation adaptogens
An “adaptogen” is a plant-based compound that promotes the body’s natural balance within a biochemical pathway, bringing the body back into homeostasis. The term “methylation adaptogen” was first coined by Dr. Michael Stone in Oregon and describes any compound that helps to restore methylation balance, both promoting appropriate methylation and inhibiting aberrant methylation.

Examples of methylation adaptogens include curcumin, betanin, anthocyanins, quercetin, rosmarinic acid, lycopene, and sulforaphane. These phytonutrients are found in abundance in a nutrient-dense diet, but additional supplementation may be helpful in some patients.


Senior Member
Interesting to read this old thread from 2015 and I stopped taking 2000 mg per day of Quercetin a long time ago and now only take 500 mg per day. I also stopped taking NeuroProtek and Daosin a long time ago b/c no longer need them.
This is good news!

Did you ever take digestive enzymes?


Senior Member
@picante hey thanks for that, cool to hear!

interesting this came up again as I just popped in forum to research: Pelargonium Sidoides
I think it is helping me with a bronchial issue that was developing and there is good research on it I am seeing

frequency specific microcurrent (fsm) is really helping me too with bronchial irritation--a lot goes a long way with me so I am just doing like a minute of frequencies for bronchial spasm and bronchial allergy/histamine---been trying this the last 10 days every couple few days (long story short I am being exposed to ongoing bronchial irritant lately--working on minimizing that)


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I just tried this for the first time as well. Suspecting potential MCAS reactions to chemicals and a fairly bad flare up of lymph/gland swelling over the last week, tissues of my neck and shoulders, head back all swollen. Anyway I took one tablet and 40 minutes later I was somewhat high from that, I then took another to achieve the right dosage and I've been high for about 6 hours. Somewhat tapered off in the last 2 but still high. I feel good though! haha. Even so I am not surprised someone mentioned insomnia.

So I did a google search and found that quercitin is actually a stimulant, which is not surprising when you see the fairly wide ranging immune and cellular changes it brings about in rat models. Whether it is as mast cell stabilising or not, I don't know. But it certainly has made me feel full of life over the last few hours, generally that feeling allows me to feel almost like a normal pre-ill version of myself.

Whether it will cause a crash or not or a slow and gradual onset of heart pain/chest tightness and anxiety I don't know yet. That is normally what stimulants do for me! Is anyone still taking it?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Yep. This is my second day on it now and it's very stimulating my god. Not stopping me from getting to sleep but I'm on the edge. Going to take 250mg instead of 500 tomorrow and see if it's any better. As the immune effects are marked. I haven't felt my immune system this strong in months. As I've just had the flu shot a little immune boost is no bad thing.

It's a shame in terms of mast cell stabilisation too. I'm not sure of any other stabilizers. Do you know any?