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Qi Gong/Chi Kung thread?

Is there a Qi Gong link? Would like to discuss with others who
are receiving Medical (Healing) Qi Gong from a trusted and competent

I have been receiving this treatment since Dec 2010. There is improvement which is quantifiable.

Having been seriously ill for 14 years, (on/off same as Mike D) it will take
two to three years for all systems to heal. Involving Qi meditation, visualization,
and daily practice of healing moves as taught. At the moment, I practice three healing
moves arms by my side, and gently moving/vibrating hands/fingers either standing up, sitting down or if too weak - lying down. I am practicing specific breathing to release toxins as in nitric oxide. Its helping. I will eventually be strong enough to attend classes regularly, sitting down, at my own pace. This may take a year or two to achieve. I was able to try out one class, sitting down, very few moves, didn't try to keep up with the class, did the minimum, and that was a huge step forward from where I was at six months ago!!

Qi meditations are varied and include Bone Marrow specific for rejuvenating bone marrow cells (takes about a year or more) and embryonic meditation, but it has to be done daily, twice daily, and done properly. :victory: This takes time to achieve.

Someone started a blog about her Qi Qong healing, but I can't seem to find
it, :confused: anyone knows the link?



Senior Member
Sofa, UK
Hi Quirky, welcome to the forums.

I can't recall a specific thread on Chi Gong (as I would have called it!), so it looks like this may be it. :)

But there has been plenty of discussion of tai chi and chi gong here. I just tried a forum 'advanced search' but didn't find anything - the search isn't great for three-letter words. So instead I tried a google search for:
"tai chi" site:phoenixrising.me
"chi gong" site:phoenixrising.me
...that's always a good way to search Phoenix Rising for terms like these.

Here are some of the results I found: hope you find something of interest here, and I hope you'll report back on your progress with Qi Gong... :)








Hi Quirky, welcome to the forums.

I can't recall a specific thread on Chi Gong (as I would have called it!), so it looks like this may be it. :)

But there has been plenty of discussion of tai chi and chi gong here. I just tried a forum 'advanced search' but didn't find anything - the search isn't great for three-letter words. So instead I tried a google search for:
"tai chi" site:phoenixrising.me
"chi gong" site:phoenixrising.me
...that's always a good way to search Phoenix Rising for terms like these.

Here are some of the results I found: hope you find something of interest here, and I hope you'll report back on your progress with Qi Gong... :)









Hi Mark

Thanks for the welcome, info and links.

Will look up all the links. Meanwhile, I continue with
the Qi Gong/ Chi Kung treatment, and would like to hear
from others who have also undergone this treatment
with a Grand Master of Qi Gong/Chi Kung. :D



I'm interested in trying Qigong/Chi Gong, but I can't access a good teacher of it locally, so am interested in any DVD recommendations for it. I have a cheap one from eBay;) but wondered if anyone could recommend a good one. I've heard of Spring Forest Qigong, but it's expensive and well-marketed, and I don't know whether to believe the hype or not. Has anyone tried it in comparison to others? Quirky, do you think your practitioner could recommend anything?
I'm interested in trying Qigong/Chi Gong, but I can't access a good teacher of it locally, so am interested in any DVD recommendations for it. I have a cheap one from eBay;) but wondered if anyone could recommend a good one. I've heard of Spring Forest Qigong, but it's expensive and well-marketed, and I don't know whether to believe the hype or not. Has anyone tried it in comparison to others? Quirky, do you think your practitioner could recommend anything?

I am too ill/weka to practice Qi Gong. Instead, I am receiving Qi from a Practitioner. He needs to unblock toxins before putting in good Qi. Its unsafe to practice Qi Gong from DVDs or from books (from all I read) and my own experience. Attending classes is the best, if you are strong enough. Those moves have specific physiological affects.

I tried doing a sequence of a move from a You Tube Video, which brought on some nasty symptoms. I called a Qi Master who came to my home. He looked at the vid and said that the sequence of the move although correct, was not ended properly. This led to some nasty neurologcial/head symptoms. He said that basically the bad energy or Qi went to the head and stayed there, because the sequence did not finish the sequence. I would never have believed it but since I experienced it, ....

There is one I read for autonomic nervous system on the NET, which I did (against my own advice he he) and it helped tremendously. I was having surges of horrible tachy probably brought on by a release of catecholamines. The heart was beating too fast, visibly so, and I could hear it. Uncomfortable. This particular sequence was very helpful and I will continue practicing it.

There are thousands of practices in Qi. Most Qi Masters adhere to one. I was told not to mix them up.

There are some universal such as The turtle or The Crane, and Standing Meditation or Walking Meditation, but for the msot part, Qi healers have their own techniques.

The one is see does not explain or say much, which is very frustrating.

I was told Kenneth Cohen is very good, and a few others.

Spring Forest Qi Gong seems very good, worth trying it out.

I heard that one member from here received Qi from a practitioner and is more or less recovered.
She wrote a blog, but I can't remember her name, or her blog.

I found this thread on Qi Gong on ProHealth Forum. Someone describes how
by doing Y Dan, her health improved: http://www.prohealth.com/me-cfs/blog/boardDetail.cfm?id=622692
The Matrix
i've had chi healing from an advanced tai ji/qui gong practitioner http://www.taiji.net/
his name's Paul Brecher and if anyone lives in london or near and appreciates acupuncture and chinese medicine, i highly recommend visiting him. the treatment came under the guise of chinese herbs but it was when he took my pulses that the real treatment happened, as unexpectedly he transfered chi into my system. the feeling was unmistakeable, like the tank was being filled up. it was a 200 mile round journey and i felt better when i got home than before i left. the increase of energy persevered over a few days. i've had chi transference from a local tai chi teacher but this was definately next level stuff. apparently a practitioner who has attained fa jing and is competent on the dim mak energy points on the body, is preferable. its supposedly the opposite of the death point striking, where healing energy is introduced instead of disruptive energy.

this is erle montaigue who trained paul brecher. erle trained on wudang mountain with the yang family i believe and was the first westerner to be awarded the master degree.
part 1
part 2

this is quite a well known video, interesting i think, it was uk tv a long time ago

my opinion is that if you can ground the energy and the practitioner is a high standard, this method of healing can constitute a cure. the mistake i made was that the 2nd time i used subtle energy devices as well and together it was too strong as they amplified the treatment i recieved. right now i don't think i could ground the energy plus i have mcs which makes going anywhere very difficult.


Quirky and Homey, thanks for your replies. I certainly didn't know that you could do harm by practising it inappropriately. I thought it was entirely benign :eek: I've been cherry picking a few gentle movements from my DVD and from a book, to start off gently. But maybe I should watch what I'm doing. I did have a bad day after I did 10 or 15 minutes of several sequences the day before; I blamed other factors, but maybe it was the qigong??? It looks like I should try and find a practitioner. I'll do more research but it seems locally that it's more just tai chai that's offered, but I can make some enquiries. Or I will try the Spring Forest Qigong, as it seems to be geared towards healing.
"my opinion is that if you can ground the energy and the practitioner is a high standard, this method of healing can constitute a cure. the mistake i made was that the 2nd time i used subtle energy devices as well and together it was too strong as they amplified the treatment i recieved. right now i don't think i could ground the energy plus i have mcs which makes going anywhere very difficult."

HoMey: what type of treatment did you receive from Paul Brecher?

Did he transmit Qi to you?

And/or did Tui Na massage, prescribe herbs etc..

If yes for how many minutes?

Does he practice Qi Gong?

Did he show you some moves and specific meditation you
are to practice daily?

How long did the consultation last?

How much did he charge?

And, finally, are you having regular appoint with PB for receiving Qi?

I am receiving Qi every week for 30 mins. He is an excellent transmitter of Qi,
but unreliable about appointments. He teaches all of us, exactly the same moves
to heal. To start with shaking fingers, hands and arms, and he applies this
to whatever illness. I would rather find someone who is knowledgeable in
prescribing specific moves for specific illness. It could be that the method
of the Qi Master I am seeing is effective for all illnesses, I don't know.

I am looking for someone I can see weekly, to teach some specific moves
for my health probs, and eventually, attend classes when stronger.



I think I might go for the Ken Cohen DVDs. Does anyone know which is better for a beginner, and particularly for M.E. obviously, Qi Healing or Qigong ?
HoMey: Bretcher does not transmit Qi... He only offers Acupuncture and herbal medicine.

Mog: I bought "the healer within" by Roger Jahnke and the basic exercises and breath work,
meditation are basic and appears safe. I might buy his DVD...

I am ordering this book which had rave reviews:


I can only say that by practicing some of the basics from Roger Janke's book,
there is improvement. It has to be practiced daily, including the meditation, which
takes time to "understand" and feel the benefit, but well worth it!!

Keep us posted!


Okay, thanks Quirky. I am investigating the Jahnke book as well now. There is a qigong sequence given in the Healing Code by Dermot O'Connor - does anyone know if it's okay to follow or not?
Mog: I went on his site just now.

he appears approachable, perhaps you could
Contact him and aks him. He seems ethical & honest.

Its such a worry, and frankly, am finding it difficult to obtain info too...

Are you homebound? I am finding it difficult to find a Qi Gong Master
in London, within close proxmity, who are able to explain if its safe
to do some of these exercises or not. I am interested in doing
sequences specific for healing (health issues) rather than the
usual Qi Gong sequence that are also healing apprently, but am
looking for something more focused. Still looking...

Todate, I am told, to join classes, and do the moves sitting down,
till am stronger. I went to one class, and the Sifu didn't explain anything,
and there was no explanation about the moves, nor was he correcting
postures etc...

It might be that to start with, I have to try and learn at home too.

I felt at easy with Cohen's and Janke's book, except that there are many
questions which remains un-ansered. I contacted them both, to no avail.


Hi Quirky, did you mean that you found the Healing Code site? The book is http://www.amazon.co.uk/Healing-Cod...9417/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1314650201&sr=8-3. It's just something I picked up from Amazon. He is geared towards healing, but it's not very easy trying to teach yourself an unfamiliar activity from photos, whilst trying to keep a paperback book open in one hand :rolleyes: So I thought I'd be better following a dvd, and it also might keep me better motivated. Like you, I want to concentrate particularly on maximising the healing effect of it. It's disappointing that you didn't hear from Cohen. I thought he looked most promising. You haven't tried his DVD, have you? The Spring Forest Qigong sells itself on its healing aspect. I have a promo cd for it, but it doesn't really tell you much about it, just has lots of testimonials from people that it has (supposedly) cured.

Mr. Cat

Senior Member
Nothern California
After hearing about it on this thread, I got B.K. Frantzis' "Opening the Energy Gates in Your Body," and have been doing the standing meditation outlined in this book for about 3 weeks. I have also been doing Zhan Zuang standing meditation, as found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y07FauHYlmg for about 3 weeks as well. I have found both to be energizing, but I have noticed more immediate and powerful results from Zhan Zhuang, with increased physical and mental energy staying with me throughout the day. Recently, I had been experiencing much tiredness and brain inflamation, and I can say that energy and mental clarity have both improved for me since I have been doing the Zhan Zuang standing meditation. Unfortunately, this would not be good for someone with POTS or who has difficulty standing for long periods of time, but I have noticed that my tolerance for standing meditation has increased greatly since starting these, and I did it for 30 minutes today, and feel much more energy than when I began. I plan to continue with both these methods, and eventually move to more of the active chi gung exercises as I feel ready.


San Francisco
After hearing about it on this thread, I got B.K. Frantzis' "Opening the Energy Gates in Your Body," and have been doing the standing meditation outlined in this book for about 3 weeks. I have also been doing Zhan Zuang standing meditation, as found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y07FauHYlmg for about 3 weeks as well. I have found both to be energizing, but I have noticed more immediate and powerful results from Zhan Zhuang, with increased physical and mental energy staying with me throughout the day. Recently, I had been experiencing much tiredness and brain inflamation, and I can say that energy and mental clarity have both improved for me since I have been doing the Zhan Zuang standing meditation. Unfortunately, this would not be good for someone with POTS or who has difficulty standing for long periods of time, but I have noticed that my tolerance for standing meditation has increased greatly since starting these, and I did it for 30 minutes today, and feel much more energy than when I began. I plan to continue with both these methods, and eventually move to more of the active chi gung exercises as I feel ready.

Hey Mr. Cat - how long are you able to do the introductory day 1 standing exercise? I love it myself although I just started and in the beginning the standing pose without moving was quite uncomfortable but I built up to 20 minutes today. I used to be fairly fit with martial arts but always had issues with the standing poses, I am extremely tall and sitting all day at the computer plus CFS onset prob fairly decreased my standing tolerance. I do not get dizzy but I feel uncomfortable until I focus on the breathing, this is not an easy exercise for anybody IMO and the legs can get a bit stiff. My HR goes to 120 and can even cross it by a bit but then as I find my rhythm it settles around <110 (walking or moving while standing is no issue as it stays around 90). I plan on practising it going forward and hope to increase my tolerance for standing still and build up stamina - I can def feel it has a good impact - thx for posting this. cheers


It certainly is harder than it looks! I tried it for 5 minutes and really felt it was hard work.
The Matrix
HoMey: Bretcher does not transmit Qi... He only offers Acupuncture and herbal medicine.

hi quirky, i can assure you he can and does. whether he promotes his treatment as such is another thing as that could very possibly hinder his acupuncture practise and even practitioner status. i found him through a martial arts combat magazine stating how chi can be projection can be used to heal or harm. i asked him if he transmitted chi and he sidestepped the question. i was given herbs which i took 12 hours after leaving london. i felt much better when i arrived home than before i left and distinctly and unexpectedly felt the chi transmission when he took my pulses during the 30 minute visit. so my treatment came under the guise of herbs in my opinion. he charges 40 but let me pay 20...this was 7 years ago. i mixed his treatment with treatment of my own and together they were too much for my body and now i don't feel i could ground it. he was taught by Earl Montaigue, the man in the first vid i posted who was a world renowned writer and teacher on fa-jing and the dim mak, which is all about gaining and using chi and jing. Earl was trained by the Yang family at the base of wudang mountain and was the first westerner to recieve a "masters" degree from china- so you have an idea of the calibre of teacher paul was under for many years.... if i was in london i would attend paul brecher's tai-ji class as a very cheap way to get a treatment. any recognised W.T.B.A. instructor could do similar. this is very high level stuff, wouldn't need half an hour, it's pretty immediate. i would class paul brecher in your "master" category without question. give it a go maybe...

any acupuncturist worth their salt knows that the needles they use are only to break the skins resistance and so all acupuncture is via chi transmission.

Mr. Cat

Senior Member
Nothern California
Standing Chi Gung

Hey Mr. Cat - how long are you able to do the introductory day 1 standing exercise? I love it myself although I just started and in the beginning the standing pose without moving was quite uncomfortable but I built up to 20 minutes today. I used to be fairly fit with martial arts but always had issues with the standing poses, I am extremely tall and sitting all day at the computer plus CFS onset prob fairly decreased my standing tolerance. I do not get dizzy but I feel uncomfortable until I focus on the breathing, this is not an easy exercise for anybody IMO and the legs can get a bit stiff. My HR goes to 120 and can even cross it by a bit but then as I find my rhythm it settles around <110 (walking or moving while standing is no issue as it stays around 90). I plan on practising it going forward and hope to increase my tolerance for standing still and build up stamina - I can def feel it has a good impact - thx for posting this. cheers

Hi Mellster,

When I last wrote, I was quite ambitious with the standing Chi Gong. I was doing both the Zhan Zuang videos I mentioned, and the Energy Gates method in the book by Bruce Kumar Frantzis. At one point I was up to 30 minutes standing at a time doing both methods back-to-back (unwise to mix methods, perhaps?), and I could feel quite energized. I followed the Zhan Zuang advice (in video #10), and built up to 15 minutes per day at each position before switching to the next position the next day, with the eventual goal (which I did not get to) being 5 minutes at each of the five positions in one day. I like positions 1 and 5, with 5 feeling calming for the stomach for those with gut issues. Position 3 is strenuous, but I found it created a the most energy for me.

However, a permanent increase in energy was not to be, and at about the time I first got to 30 minutes a day, I developed some brain inflammation and increased fatigue. I am not sure if this was brought on by the chi gong, or if the chi gong just tired my system and made it worse. At any rate, I found that extended chi gong practice heated my body up, and that doing it for a long time seemed to be doing more harm than good. I had a pretty poor month or so, and didn't do much chi gong at all. Recently, as I have been improving, I have been building back up to 5-10 minutes of standing chi gong a day. I don't necessarily feel effects at 5 minutes, though if I am feeling well, I can feel them at 10 minutes. As with many of us, one of my weak points has been pushing myself too hard and too fast when I feel better.