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Senior Member
North West, England, UK
Through emails, CDC scientists Bill Switzer, lead investigator of the CDC XMRV study, and Dr. Steve Monroe, director of the CDCs division of High Consequence Pathogens and Pathology, discussed the agency's XMRV study, published in Retrovirology July 1. The study found no evidence of the retrovirus in the CDC's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients and controls.

I also asked Switzer and Monroe questions about the FDA/NIH XMRV study, which found the virus in CFS patients and had been accepted by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences only to be put on hold, which was reported June 30 in the Wall Street Journal.

A CDC press officer emailed Switzers and Monroes replies on Friday at 5:10 p.m. Monroe had already left for the day; Switzer for a weeks vacation. Thus, there could be no timely follow-up.

Click on to see more: See: http://www.cfscentral.com/?psinvite...2UvsM4yOhkufZQ8voaYtuJTjLvy-Rg&forumid=331851


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Now, that we know about the patent applications by Mikovits, the Ruscettis, Silverman etc. i think we should not worry too much about those who are not willing or not able to find XMRV.

We should wait for those who are to sort this out. All we (or anyone interested) should be doing regarding the others now should be to collect evidence to hold them accountable, if that's possible, once the right moment is here.
Bognor UK
1996 Primetime news interview following Osler's Web publication

Interviews by Nancy Snyderman with Hillary Johnson, author
of Osler's Web; Dr. Steven Straus, NIH; Elaine DeFreitas, who ... See more
discovered evidence of a new retrovirus, which the gov't ignored
and then published a negative paper; Dr. Paul Cheney;
Dr. David Bell; Dr. Phil Lee, then Assistant Secretary of
Health (HHS); patients from Lyndonville and Incline Village.

Dr. William Reeves gave a statement and said that there
was: no viral cause, no immune system abnormalities and
there are no clusters.


Thanks to RESCIND for sharing this. And to WPI, for our
'independence' from CDC's negligence!